The BEAST WRESTLER. He sounds like a badass.
That looks cool. I guess we actually play as the beast then?
That's more like a cyborg thing than a beast.
Looks like someone ate this guy and threw him up already.
Okay, it seems like we're in an arena (I'm the robot) and... wait, this is WRESTLING! I thought it was going to be more of a straight fighting game, or maybe a side scrolling beat 'em up. But nope they weren't messing around with the title.
Robot... PUNCH!
Yeah, you'd better stay down, bitch!
Hey, I said stay down, wait, no!
He launched me against the invisible ropes!
Hah! Got him in a headlock. Now we shall see who is the better monster. Monster... or ROBOT!
And then that continued like that for ages and I got bored of it and turned it off. It's not a great game, even for a wrestling game about monsters, and I wasn't enjoying it.
Next game.
It really isn't a very good game.