Showing posts with label marvel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marvel. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 September 2023

Marvel's Avengers: The Definitive Edition (PC)

Developer: Crystal Dynamics
| Release Date: 2020 | Systems: Win, XBOne, Series S/X, PS4, PS5, Stadia

This week on Super Adventures, I'm writing about Marvel's Avengers, because it's about to be delisted on Steam and is super cheap right now. Honestly, this fell off my radar the moment I learned they were going the games as a service route with it, so I was very surprised to find myself handing over actual money for it and now I own it I guess!

My curiosity got the better of me when I learned that they'd given players the entire shop's worth of content and freed it from its microtransactions. Plus I had to buy it now or I'd never get another chance, as they've gone and delisted it from online shops. I hate it when they do that.

I was only intending to put the game on for a few minutes and see how it plays, I wasn't expecting to use my screenshots/video to write about it for the internet. In fact, I wasn't even expecting it to run. So the graphics have been left at their absolute lowest to squeeze the maximum FPS out of it. This is as bad as the game can possibly look, at least without some extra effort messing with INI files or whatever. I know people work horrifying miracles sometimes.

SPOILER WARNING: I'm going to be playing the first few hours, so you may learn a lot of stuff here you might not want to know about the story.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Spider-Man (GBA)

Spider-Man: The Movie title screenSpider-Man: The Movie title screen
At last, the game that no doubt everyone's been waiting for: the GBA version of Spider-Man (The Movie)! Though this title screen music definitely ain't the Spider-Man: The Movie theme. Sounds like it'd be more at home in Spider-Man: The Old Amiga Game.

This is another case of a handheld game released alongside a console game with the same title, same cover art, same everything... except for the actual game inside the box. I get why they do it, they want to sell two games with a single marketing campaign (plus in this case it's a movie tie-in as well), I just wish they'd give each version a subtitle or something so it's clear that they're different products.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six (GBC)

Spider-Man 2 the Sinister Six Game Boy Color title screenSpider-Man 2 the Sinister Six Game Boy Color title screen
Well that just looks nasty. It's like they took the title screen from a PlayStation game and tried to shove it into the Game Boy Color. Can't complain about the music though.

In hindsight I probably should have played this for the site nearer to Christmas, when Amazing Spider-Man's 700th and final issue hit shops (and made a lot of people unhappy), but sadly extremely obvious ideas often take a fortnight to work their way into my brain.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Spider-Man (GBC)

Today I'm taking a look at Spider-Man on the Game Boy Colour, because if there's one thing this site needs it's more platformers based on comic books.

This may look like your average 'hero poses above the city on a rooftop' title screen, but it actually has a bit of story leading up to it.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Beauty and the Beast (NES)

It's making an attempt at the theme song, but it's not quite there. For one thing I don't remember the original music having drums.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (Genesis/Mega Drive)

Wolverine's back, this time on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, and he's still pissed off about adamantium. Not to be confused with the SNES game of the same name.

I hate it when companies develop different games for different systems but give them the same name, it's just confusing. It'd be forgiveable if they were based on a movie or whatever like the Batman 1989 games, but they're not, so I don't forgive them.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (SNES)

This is apparently only the second of the Wolverine games. Which surprised me because he's a popular character, though I suppose he turns up in all the X-Men games too.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Wolverine (NES)

This is Wolverine's first ever starring role in a video game, though he's been in a few crap X-Men games before this, including Uncanny X-Men on the NES.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

X-Men II: The Fall of the Mutants (MS-DOS)

A sinister looking loaf of bread warms his hand against the radioactive X-Men II logo.

This is the third ever X-Men game to be released, but the second to be developed by Paragon Software, so that's why it gets to be called X-Men 2 I presume.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

X-Men (C64)

X-Men: Madness in Murderworld... sounds like a nice place. Oh crap, it's playing clown music. That's never a good sign.

This is the second ever X-Men game, coming after Uncanny X-Men on the NES. And I really hope it's an improvement because Uncanny was pretty bad.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The Uncanny X-Men (NES)

Today I'm going to check out the very first X-Men game, Uncanny X-Men! Or 'Marvel's X-Men' if you're going to believe the title screen over what's written on the box.

Friday, 29 July 2011

Captain America and the Avengers (Genesis/Mega Drive)

"The Avengers" exclaims the announcer. Already I can tell that this is going to be something, uh, special.

This one is entirely different to the NES game with the same title I played yesterday. It's actually based on an arcade game, which probably explains why there's an announcer.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Captain America and the Avengers (NES)

It's yet another Captain America game. But this one's on the NES this time so maybe it's not all bad.

They really should have called it 'Captain America and Hawkeye rescue the Avengers' though seeing as the others get captured in the intro.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! (MS-DOS)

Another Captain America game! But will this one be any better than the last?

No, no it won't be. I mean just look at it, there's no way this is going to be any good. It came out in 1989, good DOS games probably hadn't been invented yet.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Captain America Defies the Doom Tube (Atari ST)

Captain Merica Defies the Doom Tube a.k.a. Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann. I don't know what a Doom Tube is, but it doesn't sound like anything I want anything to do with.

I suppose this music sounds alright though.

Friday, 3 June 2011

The Amazing Spider-Man: Lethal Foes (SNES)


Part five:
That's better. Those last couple of games didn't even have 'Spider-Man' on the title screen. Go!Spidey.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Spider-Man X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (SNES)


Part two:
Lots of TMs. That title screen is a bit of a step down from the last Spider-Man game, though to be fair it did come out a few years earlier.

Semi-Random Game Box

Dragon Age: Origins (PC)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
Final Fantasy VII (PSX)