Showing posts with label atari st. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atari st. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Rick Dangerous (Atari ST)

Rick Dangerous grinning on the Atari ST title screen with his hat, lit dynamite and a smoking revolverRick Dangerous grinning on the Atari ST title screen with his hat, lit dynamite and a smoking revolver
Rick Dangerous has a reputation for being a total bastard of a game, but is it really so bad? Well I've played it before so I already know that it is, but let's pretend for 10 minutes that I don't know as I take a quick look at Core Design's very first tomb raiding game. Well actually their first game ever, released way back in 1989.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Judge Dredd (Atari ST)

Adventures in Judge Dredd Games - Part 2

This is the second of the Judge Dredd games, released on computers like the Amiga, Atari ST and Commodore 64. They apparently couldn't be bothered coming up for a new name for it though, so they just called it Judge Dredd, like the first game. So to tell them apart, from now on the first game shall be referred to as Judge Dredd '87, and the second as Dredd's Big Day Out.

Oh right, I'm playing the Atari ST version by the way.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

007 Games Part 3: Licence to Kill, The Spy Who Loved Me

Super AiG's Guide to Every (old) James Bond Game Ever, Volume 3
Aka. "To Kill Who Licenced the Spy Love"
James Bond week, day three. I'm seven years into the first decade of Bond games, and it's starting to become clear that the series was one of the true pioneers of the 'terrible movie tie-in' genre. Maybe GoldenEye actually was the first good Bond game. I kind of hope not as I've still got four days worth of these things to go, starting with...

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

007 Games Part 2: The Living Daylights, Live and Let Die

Super AiG's Guide to Every (old) James Bond Game Ever, Volume 2
Living and Let Daylights cassette coverLiving and Let Daylights cassette cover
Sadly not a real thing that actually exists.
James Bond week continues! In part one I took a brief look at the first four years of Bond games, from James Bond 007 on the Atari 2600 to Goldfinger on PC. I can't say any of them really impressed me, but hopefully that just means I've gotten past the worst of them now.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Total Recall

Super Adventures in Games Based on the Original Total Recall Movie Starring Arnold Schwarzennegger.

I thought seeing as there's a Total Recall remake coming out, this'd be a great time to take a look at the game based on the original film. Seemed a sensible enough idea, until I found out that there was more than one of them. Four entirely different games in fact, on six different systems, all with the exact same name. But whatever, I'll just play all of them.

Total Recall (Amiga/Atari ST) (1990)

Total Recall amiga game title screenTotal Recall amiga game title screen
Nice title screen but, uh, why is Arnie's head orbiting Mars? I'm sure his face wasn't tilted sideways in any of the posters.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Die Hard 2: Die Harder (Atari ST)

I've played Die Hard on the PC Engine and PC, now it's time to Die Harder on the Atari ST.

Nice of them to spoil the ending of the movie on the title screen by the way.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

The Chaos Engine / Soldiers of Fortune (Amiga)

Super Adventures in Bitmap Brothers Games - Game 8

A.k.a. Soldiers of Fortune on the US SNES and Genesis (not to be confused with Soldier of Fortune on PC, which is a totally different kind of shooter.)

The title screen music (youtube link!) this time is by Joi, and it's awesome. Unless you're playing the DOS version, then it sounds like clown music (also youtube link).

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Speedball (Atari ST)

Super Adventures in Bitmap Brothers Games - Game 2

There aren't many sports games on this site, and the main reason for that is they're generally not very interesting to look at in screenshots. This is the left side of the pitch, this is the right side of the pitch, you've just seen the entire game.

Plus I'm bad at them. Really really bad at them. And I hate them.

But whatever, I'm going to play Speedball anyway.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Xenon (Atari ST)

Super Adventures in Bitmap Brothers Games - Game 1

You know, I suddenly have an inexplicable urge to play every game made by (legendary 16-bit era developer) 'The Bitmap Brothers' in chronological order. Or a week's worth of them anyway.

Okay, their first game was a space shoot 'em up called Xenon. I can tell that without even playing it because, well, what else is a game called Xenon going to be?

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Captain America Defies the Doom Tube (Atari ST)

Captain Merica Defies the Doom Tube a.k.a. Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann. I don't know what a Doom Tube is, but it doesn't sound like anything I want anything to do with.

I suppose this music sounds alright though.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Superman: The Man of Steel (Atari ST)

It's playing the Superman movie theme! Could it be that I've actually stumbled upon a half-decent Superman game?

Monday, 20 June 2011

Batman: The Caped Crusader (Atari ST)

Poor Batman's being squeezed out of his own game by all the other logos.

The music sounds like a remix of the 1960's tv series theme, which I guess was THE Batman theme at the time seeing as the Tim Burton movie was still a year away.

Semi-Random Game Box

Crüe Ball (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Chameleon Kid (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Chakan - The Forever Man (Genesis/Mega Drive)