Showing posts with label animesque. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animesque. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Oni (PC)

Oni PC splash screen
Developer: Bungie | Release Date: 2001
| Systems: PC, PS2, Mac

This week on Super Adventures, I'm playing third person action game Oni, by Bungie, the developers of the Marathon, Halo and Destiny franchises! You can tell they're the ones who made it as their name is right there in the corner underneath the title.

Though hang on, it says 'developed by Rockstar' all over every copy I own, and there's no one from Bungie credited in the manual. So that's kind of weird.

It was ported to the PlayStation 2 by Rockstar Canada, so it makes sense that the logo would be on that version, but I'm not sure why it's on the PC game. I get that the credits were complicated by Take-Two acquiring the rights and Microsoft acquiring the company, but that doesn't mean it was retroactively developed by someone else! It might explain why it never made it to digital stores though.

Unfortunately Windows 10 didn't want to install it off the CD, so I ended up having to use Universal Extractor to get the files out of the installer and then run it with the fan-made Anniversary Edition. The thing includes a bunch of fixes and a huge list of mods to install, so it seems like the game has had a lot of support from its fans over the years. But it also stuck the words "Anniversary Edition" on my title screen, so I switched to playing the OniX rebuild instead. They both seem pretty authentic though from what I can tell.

I wish I could warn you about SPOILERS, though I don't think I'm going to make it that far to be honest. I remember the game having some serious difficulty spikes, mostly involving lasers. I also remember it looking kind of bad for its time, though that's maybe less of an issue 20 years later.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Indivisible (PC)

Indivisible title screen logo
Developer:Lab Zero|Release Date:2019|Systems:PC

Hey, guess what I'm writing about on Super Adventures this week! Okay maybe the title screen makes it a little obvious, but I didn't see it coming. Here's a life hack: get amazing friends who'll occasionally drop a brand new game on you with no warning or explanation.

The least I could do in return was write about it, and I'm all about doing the least I can do, so here's my review of Indivisible, the latest game by the makers of Skullgirls. I don't know much about Skullgirls as I only play fighting games when I feel like mashing buttons and being humiliated, but I do know it's got some fancy cartoon animation so I'm coming into Indivisible with the preconception that it's going to look fairly pretty as well. I also know it's a bit of an action RPG inspired by Valkyrie Profile, but other that that I'm fairly clueless about it.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Apidya (Amiga)

Amiga Apidya title screenAmiga Apidya title screen
Today's game is 1992's Amiga exclusive Apidya, requested less than a month ago which is way better than I usually manage.

Man, look at that title screen, you can tell with a glance what country this game came from. A glimpse at the Kaiko logo anyway. Kaiko were actually a German company who tried to bring the Japanese console game experience to western computers, even down to including katakana on the logo and anime art on the box cover. Though the fact that アビヂャ actually says 'abidya' would be a bit of a giveaway to anyone who can read the language. They even threw a II on there for the hell of it, even though this is the first and only game in the series.

Speaking of the title, Apidya is based on the word 'Apidae' which is the family that the honey bee belongs to; just in case you were curious.

I've thought about showing off Apidya on the site before as it's got some interesting art, but then I'd remember that I'm terrible at the game and all I'd be able to show was the first half of stage one. But it's been requested now, so I figure that I should probably get it over with.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator (PC)

Here's another requested game for you. This time I'm taking a quick look at PC RPG Septerra Core, released in late '99. It came out between Final Fantasy VIII and Planescape: Torment to give it some context, though I don't know yet which it'll be closer to in gameplay. It could be a Diablo clone for all I know.

Monday, 21 January 2013

UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-COM: UFO Defense (Amiga)

UFO Enemy Unknown Amiga title screenUFO Enemy Unknown Amiga title screen
It took me way too long to get around to this one. UFO: Enemy Unknown is the original XCOM game, a genuine classic, renamed to X-COM: UFO Defense in North America presumably because they wanted to sell it to the X-Files audience, which was huge at the time.

It was originally released for DOS, then ported across to Amiga, CD32 and PlayStation. As far as I can tell, the PC version runs fastest and looks the best, though they're all basically the same thing with similar graphics and music. But I'm playing the Amiga AGA version instead, because sometimes I do crazy things for no reason!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Hybrid (PSX) - Guest Post

So here we are. The very first PlayStation first person shooter I ever played. The game that put me off playing first person shooters on consoles for almost a decade.

Say 'Hi!' to Hybrid!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

One Must Fall 2097 (MS-DOS)

No relation to WipEout 2097 and X-Kaliber 2097 I assume.

Like Xenophage, the similarly PC exclusive mid-90s fighter I played earlier, One Must Fall 2097 is now free to download! The official site's long dead but you can find downloads at fan sites like X-Bot's OMF Universe, or

Semi-Random Game Box

Super Adventures in Amiga Fighting Games
SiN Episodes: Emergence (PC)
Super Panda Adventures (PC) - Guest Post