Showing posts with label midas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label midas. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles (PS2)

BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles title screen
Today's B game is... BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles! AKA. Kensetsu Juuki Kenka Batoru: Buchigire Kongou!! Man I wish I could've made this title screen animated, it'd look so pretty with the cherry blossom blowing in the breeze.

This was one of the PlayStation 2's earliest games, out in Japan before the console had even launched in North America or Europe, though it took three whole years before it got an English release. Sadly the game never did make it over to the US, but it did make it over onto my shelf somehow; which is weird because I definitely didn't buy it. It just sort of appeared there one day out of nowhere. I'm hoping that if I play it for a bit and discover its dark secrets it might disappear again and become someone else's problem.

I do know that it was developed by Artdink, makers of A-Train, No One Can Stop Mr Domino, and a whole bunch of anime tie-in games. Though it's been published by Midas, which is kind of a big warning sign to me as... well it seems harsh to say that everything they touch turns to shit, but I haven't had a lot of luck with their games so far.

Friday, 16 March 2012

The Sniper 2 (PS2) - Guest Post

A good friend of mine warned me to never, ever buy a game published by Midas Interactive Entertainment. That's how we got into the whole Hybrid mess.

This is what happens when you don't listen to your friends.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Hybrid (PSX) - Guest Post

So here we are. The very first PlayStation first person shooter I ever played. The game that put me off playing first person shooters on consoles for almost a decade.

Say 'Hi!' to Hybrid!

Semi-Random Game Box

Gene Wars (MS-DOS)
Bad Cat (Amiga) - Guest Post
Castelian (NES)