Showing posts with label metroid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metroid. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Metroid Prime (GameCube)

Metroid Prime title screen Europe
Developer:Retro|Release Date:2003 (2002 NA)|Systems:GameCube, Wii

I'm trying to figure out what the game's moody title music reminds me of. I think it might actually be Deus Ex, but I feel like it could turn into Perfect Dark at any moment. Not a bad place for a theme to be.

This week on Super Adventures I'm playing Metroid Prime, the sequel to the legendary Super Metroid! Well, kind of. It came out the exact same day as Metroid Fusion and I think that's considered to be the older twin (it even claims to be "METROID 4" when it starts up.) So I guess this is Metroid 5 then?

It's definitely not the fifth game in the timeline as they've slotted it in between Metroid and Metroid II for whatever reason. I didn't realise the Metroid games had enough of a story to require making interquels, but that's probably because I rarely finish the things. Plus it's been six years since I've played any of them and my memory's pretty fuzzy. Though at the time this was released fans had actually been suffering through an eight year gap between games, as the series skipped the N64 era entirely. The series also skipped the Wii U afterwards, fading away again despite the run of continuous Metroid Prime sequels and spin-offs.

Developer Retro Studios were responsible for the three main Metroid Prime games but after putting out the non-HD remake compilation Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii in 2009 they've been keeping themselves busy making Donkey Kong Country sequels instead. Though it was announced last month that they're taking over development on Metroid Prime 4! Is that a good thing? I wouldn't know, I haven't even played this first one yet.

Okay I'm going to play Metroid Prime for an amount of time somewhere between 'barely giving it a fair shot' and 'enough to bore the hell out of everyone reading', and take screenshots along the way. There will also be writing under these screenshots because... I don't know. Maybe I like writing about video games? No, that doesn't seem right.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA)

Metroid Zero Mission title screen logoMetroid Zero Mission title screen logo
Today I'm finally getting around to Metroid: Zero Mission, only a year or two after it was requested. This is the fifth 2D platformer in the series and despite the name it's actually about bounty hunter Samus Aran's first video game mission, as it's a remake of Metroid 1.

I have played this one before, though just enough time has passed now for me to have entirely forgotten everything about it. I actually managed to finish the game... on the easy difficulty. This time though I'll be playing it on normal mode, so I'm expecting it to be closer to the original's level of challenge and kick my ass from one side of Zebes to the other.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Super Metroid (SNES)

By request, Super Metroid (aka Metroid 3 according to the intro text). It's always nice to get another game with 'Super' in the title onto the site.

It's not often you see a SNES title screen featuring corpses lying in pools of their own blood.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Metroid II: Return of Samus (GB)

For some reason I always assumed Metroid 2 was a NES game like Zelda 2 or Castlevania 2. But no, the franchise jumped to the Game Boy for one game, so I'm stuck showing black and white screenshots again. Sorry.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Metroid (NES)

Apparently Metroid is a portmanteau of the words "metro" and "android". Though that doesn't really explain anything.

Semi-Random Game Box

Jurassic Park Interactive (3DO)
Jurassic Park (Sega Mega CD)
Jurassic Park (Genesis/Mega Drive)