Showing posts with label alien. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alien. Show all posts

Monday, 6 April 2015

Alien: Isolation (PC) - Part 2

Click this link if you want to return to where this all began: Part one.

Alien: Isolation (PC) - Part 1

Developer:Creative Assembly|Release Date:2014|Systems:PS3, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows

Today on Super Adventures, I'm taking a look at scary, stealthy, 'Alien' sequel Alien: Isolation.

Isolation was in development at The Creative Assembly around the same time as Gearbox and friends were working on Aliens: Colonial Marines, but while that project was very public (with expensive consequences for Sega when the finished product failed to live up to the trailers), Isolation remained hidden in the shadows until the year of release. Another big difference between the games is that everyone loved this one! It was a huge success with both critics and players!

I watched both 'Alien' and 'Aliens' in preparation for looking at Colonial Marines the other day, so I'm in a bit of an Alien mood right now. The thing is though, I'm coming from the perspective of someone who's never gotten on with survival horror games, doesn't like pure stealth, hates replaying levels, and doesn't appreciate too much of a challenge, so the game might not be the perfect fit for me. On the other hand it was a Christmas present from someone who reads the site and I kind of know a couple of people employed at Creative Assembly so I can't actually say anything bad about the game. I'm sure you understand.

But It's a first person sci-fi game with amazing visuals and critical acclaim practically across the board, so chances are that I'm going to end up liking it. I'll give it a couple of hours either way, sharing my thoughts as I go.


(Click screenshots to view them at a very reasonable 1920x1080 resolution with all the graphics on high.)

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Aliens: Colonial Marines (PC) - Part 2

Click the highlighted text to return to the horror of part one.

Aliens: Colonial Marines (PC) - Part 1

Developer:Gearbox, TimeGate, Nerve|Release Date:2013|Systems:Windows, PS3, Xbox 360

Last year on Super Adventures I decided that April 1st would be the perfect day to give a critically mauled Duke Nukem Forever a fighting chance to win me over. Because if I ended up liking it I could always pass my opinions off as being a joke and escape with my reputation intact. So today I’m going to pull the same trick with the hated Aliens: Colonial Marines and see if I can find the good in it too.

Like DNF, this is a first person shooter famous for taking ages to make and impressing absolutely no one by the time it finally came out, though it wasn't in the oven for quite as long before it got rushed out and served undercooked. It started late 2006 and finished early 2013, with folks saying that it spent 4 years at Gearbox, then around 18 months outsourced to TimeGate, and then 9 more months at Gearbox. Apparently huge chunks were reworked each time it swapped over, which left Sega agreeing to pay out $1.25 million to settle a class-action suit when people discovered to their dismay that the demos they'd been shown were demonstrating content and visuals that hadn't survived to the final product.

Anyway I'm playing the PC version here, which I've heard is the least crap of them. I usually only play games for an hour or two to get an impression of what kind of game they are, but this time I’m going to keep playing the single player campaign until either I start liking it or I really can’t take any more. I even watched both 'Alien' and 'Aliens' in preparation so I can nitpick about every tiny thing it gets wrong! I could end up spoiling elements of any of the films in the series though (plus a decent amount of this game, obviously), so if that's an issue you should get out now while you're still safe.

(Click screenshots to view them slightly bigger.)

Friday, 8 June 2012

Aliens Versus Predator (PC) - Guest Post

He comes from another world to hunt humans for sport.

And now he's stuck on Earth and plays first person shooters to earn his cab money home.

Click the pictures for PNG if you find JPG offensive!

Friday, 17 June 2011

Alien vs. Predator (SNES)

That's Alien vs. Predator, with a singular 'Alien' and a dot after the 'vs'.

Not to be confused with:
Alien vs Predator (1993) - Game Boy platformer.
Alien vs Predator (1994) - Jaguar first person shooter.
Aliens versus Predator (1999) - PC first person shooter.
Aliens vs Predator (2010) - current gen first person shooter.

Feel free to get it confused with the arcade game though, as it has the same name and genre and if they really wanted people to be able to know which is which they should have given them a subtitle or something.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Alien Trilogy (MS-DOS)

I think this one's a first person shooter. Or maybe I'm confusing it with Alien vs Predator on the Jaguar.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Semi-Random Game Box

Super Adventures in Pinball
Dragon Warrior VII / Dragon Quest VII (PSX) - Part 2
Dragon Warrior VII / Dragon Quest VII (PSX) - Part 1