Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Command & Conquer (MS-DOS)

Developer: Westwood | Release Date: 1995 | Systems: PC, Mac, PSX, N64, Saturn

This year on Super Adventures, I'm celebrating 10 years of the site by playing games that you'd find on a 'top 10' list, and that means I've ran out of excuses not to write something about Command & Conquer. The game was retroactively relabelled Tiberian Dawn, but I'm not calling it that. Partly because I always get it mixed up with the sequel Tiberian Sun, partly because I can never remember if it's 'Tiberian' or 'Tiberium'.

You might be wondering why I've been so reluctant to write about such a well-respected and beloved classic. Well that's because it's an RTS game and that means it's going to take effort. I have to play it for hours and then somehow summarise what I did and how it plays with just a handful of screenshots, all of them of little dudes standing in a grassy field firing at smoking buildings. This is why I write about so many platformers, they're easy! "Hey it starts with a forest level, huge shock. I guess I'll go jump on the spiders then? Oh no the bottomless pit killed me! And now I'm in a sewer, wow." RTS games almost never have sewer levels for me to whine about!

There's lots of different ways to play this game now, like a modern source port, or fan made patch for Command & Conquer Gold. But the best way is almost certainly Command & Conquer: Remastered, which improves the sound and visuals, and updates the interface without messing with the gameplay. Everyone showers it with praise and it seems like it's earned it. But I won't be playing that. Instead I'm going back to my original CDs, the very first DOS version, unpatched. Why? Because the DOS release is incredibly zoomed in compared to later versions and I want to give you a fighting chance to see the tiny little tanks and soldiers in my screenshots.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Sonic Generations (PC)

Developer: Sonic Team
| Release Date: 2011 | Systems: Xbox 360, PS3, Windows

This week on Super Adventures, I'm playing Sonic Generations, which is something like the 73rd or 74th Sonic game I think. Somewhere around there.

The reason I'm mentioning this is because this year I'm (mostly) writing about games that have made it onto someone's top 10 list. So when I say this reached #9 on Polygon's The Best 12 Sonic Games Ranked list, you can picture how many games it had to defeat. Sonic's Schoolhouse, Tails' Skypatrol, Sonic Kart 3D X... none of these games could stand against Sonic Generations' might.

Here's some more trivia about the game: it was the first mainline Sonic game to make it to Windows PCs since Sonic Heroes 7 years earlier, it has nothing to do with the movie Star Trek: Generations, and it was made to celebrate Sonic's 20th anniversary.

Oh, plus it's 10 years old, as it's Sonic's 30th anniversary today... which means it came out the same year that Super Adventures started now that I think about it.

I've never been the biggest Sonic fan to be honest, I usually get bored of the games after a level or two, but I've actually finished Sonic Generations before. You'll have to keep reading if you want to know what I think about it though. Or you could just scroll down to the end I suppose, but then you'd be missing out on all the screenshots, many of them with whole paragraphs of text underneath!

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

StarFighter 3000 (MS-DOS) - Guest Post

This week on Super Adventures, heroic space reviewer mecha-neko has returned with a quick look at another classic game. It's Star Fighter 3000, by the people who made Stunt Racer 2000 (no relation to Stunt Racer 64). It came out on a few systems and on most it's kind of obscure, but on the Acorn Archimedes it was an actual big deal. I was browsing an Acorn owner forum called StarDot and it's in basically everyone's top 10 lists for the A3000... possibly because there aren't too many original games on the system to choose from.

Hey everyone! While rooting through all my old DOS stuff like Fade to Black and Halloween Harry, I've found another game I'm familiar with but haven't played in a really long time.

StarFighter 3000 MS-DOS title screen
Developer:FedNet|Release Date:
Acorn Archimedes:19th September 1994
MS-DOS:8th October 1996
Iyonix:April 2008
|Systems:Acorn, 3DO, DOS, PS1, Saturn, Iyonix

It may sound like a boxing game about robots in the future, but it's actually about spaceships and lasers! Wanna see?

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA)

Developer: Konami | Release Date: 2003 | Systems: Game Boy Advance

This week on Super Adventures, I'm playing the 17th 2D Castlevania platformer, Aria of Sorrow!

My gimmick this year is that I'm playing games you can find in a top ten list, and this one can be found in Nintendo Power's 20th anniversary Best of the Best list (in the 'GBA' section). It actually made top three, with the other two games being Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Metroid: Zero Mission. Hey I've played both of them already!

This was the last of three Castlevanias on the GBA, though the first to have a title beginning with 'A'. The series continued on the DS with a direct sequel called Dawn of Sorrow, which cleverly referenced both the 'D' and the 'S'. Sadly the adventures of Soma Cruz didn't get a second follow up on the 3DS, so we never got to see how they would've worked the number 3 into the title.

There'd been handheld Castlevania games for over a decade by this point, ever since Castlevania: The Adventure came out for the Game Boy in 1989, but whenever people talk about the classic 80s and 90s Castlevania titles they're generally talking about the console games. Something weird happened in 1999 though. Veteran game series were making the switch to polygons, with sequels like Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and Metal Gear Solid presenting a good argument for 2D being hopelessly archaic, and Castlevania was no exception. The thing is, Castlevania 64 was bloody terrible (I've been told), especially compared to Symphony of the Night from two years earlier. So when the 2D GBA games started mimicking Symphony's style and carrying on the 'music term of X' naming tradition started by Rondo of Blood, they were ones that came across like the true successors to the Castlevania franchise instead of the 3D games.

Anyway I'm going to play the first hour or so and write too many words about what happened. Plus there'll be screenshots! So many screenshots.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Katamari Damacy REROLL (PC)

Remastered - Developer: Monkeycraft | Release Date: 2018 | Systems: Win, Switch, PS4, XBOne
Original Game - Developer: Namco | Release Date: 2004 | Systems: PS2

This year on Super Adventures, I'm mostly playing games that have appeared on a 'top 10' somewhere, and I found Katamari Damacy REROLL on Hard Drive's Top 10 Games That Came Out This Year After We Published our Top 10 List list. According to the site's 'About' page "Hard Drive is a very real video games news site that you should not question," (as opposed to being the video game equivalent of The Onion), and that's good enough for me.

I've played the game before, back when it was just called Katamari Damacy, but I've suddenly found a good reason to come back to it with this remake: my friend surprised me with a copy as a gift and is expecting a proper review in return. And he'll get a review alright, I'm going to tell everyone exactly what I think about this game...

But first here's some trivia, straight from Wikipedia:

Those kanji sticking out of the Earth up there are a bit wonky, but when they're written properly they look almost identical to each other, as a bit of clever visual alliteration. When you read them out they say 'katamari damashii', shockingly, which means something like 'clump spirit'. You know, like 'team spirit', except for clumps. The kanji are even on the American cover, because they go along with the wacky Japaneseness of it that they were using as a selling point. They assumed it would be too weird for Europeans though, so the classic PS2 game was never actually released in PAL regions. It never got ported to other systems either... until it was remade in Unity for this REROLL remastered re-release.

One more fact: it was not too weird for Europe. In fact the series has been a massive worldwide hit and now everyone knows what the game is and how it plays. Describing it for you would likely be pointless, but hey I've already explained how to play Super Mario Bros. and Pokémon Red, so this is far from the first time I've wasted both your time and my own. It's what I do.

Semi-Random Game Box

Mass Effect 3 (PC) - Part 2
Mass Effect 3 (PC) - Part 1