
Friday 3 February 2012

Probotector II - Return of the Evil Forces (NES)

Super Adventures in Gaming Replay - Game 5

I wrote about the Amiga version of Super Contra (aka Super C) just over a year ago, and besides pointing out that it looked a bit shit, I really didn't say much of anything about it. But I know a Contra fan who was... unhappy with my post. After all it's a critically acclaimed and well respected title, I should at least explain why I didn't like it.

But just for a change I'm going to play the NES port instead. The European version in fact, where everyone is a robot.

Return of the Evil Forces™... oh no, not those bastards again! That's not the Robocop font by the way, I checked.

But is that a doughnut next to the '1 Player' option?

I don't remember coming in from a chopper in the Amiga version.

Super C (NES)
Hey the original version of the NES port had the hero(es) coming down from a Huey.

They changed all the humans to robots in the Probotector games to get around German censorship laws, but there was no need to redraw that helicopter. They did a good job of it though.

Super Contra (Arcade)
And there it is in the original arcade version too, with our hero doing some last minute gymnastics to warm up.

Okay this is a totally straight-forward run and gun so far. One button to jump, one button to shoot, and I can aim diagonally or even straight up. It'd be nice if there was a way to point the gun at enemies without also walking towards them, but the NES only has so many buttons.

It does look pretty solid for a NES game though.

Hey, when I run up a slope, my gun's aim changes to match the angle of the incline! I know it's nothing amazing, I just thought it was a nice touch.

Super Contra (Arcade)
Huh, what happened to these rocky hills from the arcade version? It seems that the NES version takes a few liberties with the level design. It's generally the same thing, but not an exact copy.

Super C (NES)
The game is bloody frantic, no matter which version I play. I'm constantly having to somersalt over enemies, bullets, and weapon pickups I don't want. There's no way I want to get a crappy M gun when I can be wielding the awesome S rifle. The thing fires in like 5 directions at once!

The other versions have actual guns dropping down from the weapon capsules when I shoot them, but these letter icons make it much easier to tell what I'm picking up.

I tried just jumping on this turret the first time one of them popped up. But it turns out that jumping on enemies just leads to an instant death. In fact most things lead to instant death in this game; getting shot, walking into an enemy, walking just a little too close to an explosion... a single mistake and you're dead. Two deaths and you lose a continue and get sent back to the very start of the level.

Plus it turns out that my robot soldier loses his weapon pick-up if he's killed, and they really do make a difference in this game.

Super Contra (Arcade)
That's interesting. In the arcade version a tank popped up right about here, but it seems that it couldn't be bothered to turn up for the NES versions.

It's not a huge loss though, it's not a particularly amazing miniboss fight. I suppose it's got some nice artwork though.

Super C (DOS)
Oh crap, what the hell did they do to it in the DOS version? I can't believe this came out the same year as Wing Commander.

The DOS version starts with 10 lives, five times as many as normal. But it has zero continues and is really fucking difficult. On the surface it seems like a more faithful port than the NES versions but it is way harder to get that guy to dodge anything. This may actually be the toughest version of the game.

Super C (Amiga)
Actually no, this is the hardest version of the game.

I can't believe I didn't mention first time around why I quit the Amiga version so early: I have to press up on the joystick to jump. But I also press up to aim my weapon up. You can imagine how this is a problem.

If you can't make split-second jumps or fire diagonally in a Contra game you're fucked.


I've burned through a couple of continues already, and it's still only level one, but I think I'm actually getting the hang of this now. I'm dodging bullets and hitting weak points like a pro.

You know, I think I can take this boss down without even losing a life.

Son of a bitch... they opened up the back of the clown car and they all started pouring out at once. I can only shoot one thing at a time! With this damn gun anyway.

Plus the enemies can run faster than me, which hardly seems fair.

Super C (NES)
Hey, the original NES version has a different helicopter again. I guess this one just wasn't sci-fi enough for Probotector 2.

It's only now occurred to me that this version uses icons of medals to represent lives. The poor guy must be selling off his medals to afford health care.

And the valiant robot hero eventually triumphs over the first boss, and goes boldly into the enemy facility. I'm not sure they ever explained why I'm here or what I'm meant to be doing, but I'm sure I'll figure it out as I go.

The other versions had an extra section after the helicopter boss where I had to break through the defences to get inside, but the NES version does just fine without it.

Hey, they switched genres from side scrolling run and gun, to overhead scrolling run and gun!

That's a pretty bold use of perspective. It makes the place look absolutely massive. Though the illusion is kind of broken when I have to walk around this diagonal section of the wall.

Damn I love this 'S' gun. It makes clearing a room full of enemies so much less hassle.

Hey, I recognise those bullets. That's the doughnut from the title screen. Well that's one mystery finally solved.

Super Contra (Arcade)
The arcade version of the hero on the other hand didn't bring the 'S' gun, and he paid the price.

One problem I'm having with the arcade version here is my gun seems just a little slow to start firing in the direction I'm facing. I keep turning towards an enemy, pulling the trigger, turning back... and then realising I didn't actually fire a shot and the dude kills me.

Hey it's the stage two boss! I'm suddenly starting to wish I hadn't gotten killed a second ago and lost my 'S' gun. Okay I'm starting to annoy myself now, so I'll look up what it's actually called.

Right, it's called a Spread gun. It's awesome and I miss it.

Super Contra (Arcade)
The arcade version of the boss seemed a little meaner, and a little faster to pin me into corners and put its dirty tank tracks all over my face.

But on the other hand it sure blows up pretty. I love proper arcade game explosions.

The next level, more of the same. Only this time in the jungle!

Super Contra (Arcade)
I think it's fair to say that the NES version actually has the arcade original beat here, as it doesn't have these damn trees blocking my view. Being able to tell which way I'm facing and if there's a bullet about to hit me is actually pretty damn important.

Uh... is it a good idea for a robot to go into water? Sorry, I mean a Probotector, whatever the hell that is.

Damn, I guess the water was actually lethal after all. Mostly because it's full of robots shooting at me.

Well I'm out of lives and continues, so that's as far as I can play. There's no saves or passwords or any other way for me to get back here without replaying the whole game, so I think I'm done with it.

Run and gun isn't my favourite genre, but this actually seems to be one of the good ones, and I'd expect it's even better in co-op mode. As long as you don't play the Amiga or DOS versions that is. It's not anything I want to play again, but that's not really the game's fault. Probably.

Oh okay FINE, I'll give it one more shot.


I was doing pretty well this time I thought, I reached the stage three boss fight without a single death. Mostly through pure luck to be honest.

And then the bastard charges at me and gives me nowhere to escape to! I mean I can't jump far enough to leap over him, what the fuck am I supposed to do?

Oh right, of course. This is the one enemy I'm actually allowed to jump on.

That's a pretty shitty thing to do Probotector, breaking your own rules like that. But I'll let you off because I'm feeling incredibly smug that I managed to escape certain death and take the guy down WITHOUT TAKING A SINGLE HIT.


Uh, where did I go?

Oh crap, the floor collapsed and I fell in. There goes my bonus extra life I got for killing the boss. And my Spread gun.


I don't believe this. Four consecutive deaths down four consecutive holes. I didn't miss a single chance to throw away my precious lives.

Of course they weren't holes when I jumped there. The floor just gave way beneath me.

Well, I still have all my continues... but I just can't be arsed to replay the whole jungle level again.

You know, it's just occurred to me that half the games I've replayed so far have been 1988 arcade run and guns, and I'm not sure how that happened. Whatever, next game.


  1. Can you please try the home computer versions of Contra and review them? You'll get a good write-up especially from the DOS version of Contra.

    1. I'll add it to the request list, but it's a huge list so I can't promise anything.
