
Sunday 31 July 2011

Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tales (Jaguar)

They could have gone with 'furry tails' but they didn't have the nerve to commit to a pun of that magnitude. 'Fractured Furry Tails' has a very different meaning now that I think about it, but it'll be just as fitting after I'm through with the guy.

That's a side of Bubsy I never wanted to see.

Yeah, that's not better. Get your damn face off my screen.

He looks just as apprehensive as I am.

Oh, it's an Alice in Wonderland level. Does that story even count as a fairy tale?

Huh, what happened? Did I hit an enemy? I guess I must have jumped on one by accident. Well I don't seem to have lost any hit points so I think that's a win. Actually I don't think I even have any hit points.

Well, crap. Confirmed: Bubsy does NOT have hit points. One hit is a kill. He does now have a punk flamingo's boot print on his back though.

I just found this cheeky little snake sitting here, throwing eggs at me. And I'm not having it. Yeah I can also confirm that jumping on enemies kills them.

It seems that the Jaguar has no trouble throwing a lot of colours on screen at once, though it's still not very pretty art I reckon. I have to admit I'm liking this level music though.

Jumping up these small platforms isn't as easy as it could be with the way Bubsy moves. He tends to quickly accelerate after walking forwards a little, which is always annoying. On the plus side, the camera does pan across to show more of the screen in front when this happens.

It took me a few tries, but I finally made it up. My reward, a t-shirt with a 1 on it. Oh, it's an extra life. I don't know why they didn't just put his logo on it, seeing as that's the only kind of t-shirt he ever wears. Probably.

Hey is that more ground above me? Well that would explain why I'm seeing a lot of leaves above me but no tree trunks.

I don't know what these glossy balls get me, but I'm grabbing them all anyway.

Huh? What killed him? I was just jumping around after pick ups and suddenly Bubsy was back at the start.

Oh 'game pawsed', very amusing.

Fortunately the trip back here was much faster, as it seems that enemies I kill stay dead, and pick ups stay collected.

Oh wow, that's creepy. How did I not see these two earlier? It's not like they're being subtle.

And that must have been what killed me the first time. Long range electric yo-yo out of nowhere.

I skilfully rebound off one of their heads, killing both of them with one graceful move.

Oh crap, he landed in the water and now he's drowning! Well actually he's just kind of sinking.

Though the water's not even that deep, it'd barely reach his shoulders. He's just being over dramatic.

Okay Bubsy, now you're really taking the piss.

Wow, they included multiple drowning animations. Maybe they realised lots of people were getting their bobcats killed over and over again in the same patch of water, and wanted to make it more visually interesting.

Oh come on! I was killed by the tip of the flamingo's hair... in the foreground.

Screw trying to jump over the water. I'm just going to glide right across it this time.

And then I run into a spike wall! I... don't get it.

He does not look like a happy vulture. I'm not happy either.

Okay, I'm trying that again. I don't particularly want to keep playing, but I'm not letting that spike wall beat me.

Shit. I forgot about these two. I keep getting caught off guard by enemies in this game, and running into things I can't see.

And the spike wall is gone this time. I... don't understand.

Whatever, I'm hitting the ! checkpoint and moving on.

Damn, these cheshire cats appear out of nowhere. I'm having enough trouble dodging enemies I can see coming, without having to worry about enemies I can't as well.

Mushrooms. Not a big shock seeing these things in a platformer, especially one based on Alice in Wonderland.

Poor Bubsy, his final life was shattered into a hundred pieces by an egg thrown by a snake I didn't see.

Well at least now he's free to go off and star in Bubsy 3D.

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