
Saturday 18 June 2011

Bloody Wolf (TurboGrafx-16)

Another arcade conversion. I'm hoping it turns out to be better than Dragon Ninja.

Aww, but I'm tired of rescuing Presidents. Can't we do something else for once?

Also I'm going to need more information before I do any rescuing. You can't just say 'the President has been kidnapped... GO!' Go where? Who's 'the enemy'? Do I get to take a squad with me this time?

Hey, it's an overhead run and gun type of game! Here's a shot of me taking out a squad of enemies (not pictured) with a convenient row of exploding barrels. It's their own fault really for using exploding barrels as cover.

I wonder if I can go up into that doorway up there.

Man, I am so lucky those enemies only fire slow bullets, or else this could have been awkward.

Thanks hostage, I'm sure that info will prove invaluable. On the plus side I also found a shotgun.

See, that's much more useful! Now I have 'the key'. Wait, what does 'the key' open? Tell me you bastard or I'll tie you back up and leave you here.

Fine, I'll just go and try it out on every lock in the town then.

Some guy was harassing me on his bike, so I had to confiscate it. It's a cool looking piece of pixel work in my opinion. Plus I like the mounted machine gun.

Awesome. After searching a few open doorways blocked by invisible walls, I found one with a locked crate in. Though I don't know why I needed the key, seeing as he clearly just smashed the thing.

What the fuck are 'Muscle Emphasis Tablets'?

Get out of my way idiots! And quit shooting me too. When this bike takes too much damage it explodes, and I'm sure none of you want to be pulling bike shrapnel out of your skull.

Wow, I was just about to say the same thing to you!

Except I wasn't, because that's a terrible line, and now I have to kill you before you get ideas about ever saying anything again.

Wow, for a guy called 'Shotgun Man', his shotgun is kind of pathetic. Those five tiny red dots are his bullets, and the big red ones are from my shotgun.

And that grey bullet means my shotgun just ran out of ammo. Damn!

Huh, these armoured soldiers are immune to bullets. Worse, they're blocking my shots from hitting the boss. I don't get what I'm supposed to do here.

Oh yeah, right, I have grenades.

Wow, Shotgun Man just exploded for no reason when I knocked off his last hit point. Like some kind of boss in an arcade game.

Awesome! I don't care how or why that motorbike got onto this ledge, I'm taking it. Also I should probably rescue that hostage I guess.


Look at those two cowards abandoning the rest of their unit. It probably would have been smarter for them to run in the direction I'm not shooting at.

Crap, I'm fighting a submarine now? How is that the next step up from 'man with a shotgun'?

Well, the submarine killed me. But it's okay, I have continues! Possibly infinite of them.

It keep firing torpedoes and blowing up my floor, which is a concern because I can't swim. So I'm going to have to end this quickly while I still have something to stand on. It's a little difficult to dodge bullets on a tiny piece of ground though.

Submarine sunk, onto the next mission!

Oh shit, what are you doing man? He just jumped out of a helicopter about a billion miles above the clouds.

Ah, a hidden parachute. Cunning.

Oh thanks, NOW you tell me how to take out armoured soldiers. I could have really used that information a couple of boss battles ago.

What the fuck? Is the 'enemy' working with aliens? This thing just came out of nowhere and I have no idea what it is.

That's... uh, really great. Thanks for that, man.

But then, a tragic stray shot and it was all over.

You disappointed I gave up? My guy was shot dead!

I actually liked this one, but not quite enough to want to continue with it. Or ever play it again. Next game.

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