
Monday 28 March 2011

Pilotwings (SNES)

I was sure I'd played this one before, but apparently not. It doesn't look familiar so far.

Okay, 'hit the runway with the plane', got it.

Here we've got to fly through all the green dots and put the plane on the ground. First time around I managed this perfectly. Then I take another pass for screenshots and I mess it all up. Well, I got the plane on the ground at least. Wings still attached and everything.

Next stage, parachuting. But first we have to get up into the air.

And we're going up pretty high.

Damn that's a long way down. The objective is to get through the center of all the rings, pull the parachute, and then land on the target without dying. It may be a little ambitious, but I'm going to try to achieve all three.

Or maybe I'll just start spinning in the air for a laugh. It's okay, I've still got time...


In the split second after that screen, I overshot the target by a little and got a lower score but whatever.

For falling out of the air twice and surviving the attempt each time, I am awarded a certificate!

I have achieved a grade A licence... the lowest of all grades.

Then it's back into the air, flying through more green dots! And orange too!

Lots more dots.

Yeah I got a little bored and stopped paying as much attention as I should have.

But it's okay, I survived, I got enough points! Any landing you can walk away from... etc.

Looks like I'm going to be getting my feet wet. It's okay, I went through LOTS of green dots on the way down, I'm sure they'll take that into account.

Man, the jetpack is even more boring than the other vehicles.

Easier too, I guess. Glad to see my instructors have faith in me.

Oh no no no, not the handglider. I don't want to fly a handglider! Put an engine on the thing, maybe a couple of machine guns and then get back to me.

Okay fine just give me the glider. Don't bother telling me what to do I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Doh, I forgot what I was supposed to do.

Nevermind, next game.


  1. Finally, a game I own! I've always liked the rocket pack the most.

  2. This game was a big part of growing up for me. Seems I always had the ability to play it, though I cannot actually remember OWNING it! (I guess I just always knew someone who did.)

    I use to get bored and try and crash as fantastically as I could. The little white bubble looking things on most stages, with the rocketpack, you can bounce off them! You can fall on them, and rather than crash and burn, you BOUNCE! It's fun to just mess around with that.
