
Wednesday 2 March 2011

Hawkeye (Amiga)

In my first post, Square one, I posted title screens from three of the games that inspired me to make this blog. But people were curious about what the games themselves were like, so a few days ago I posted about the first of them. Now the second game is up:

If my face had half the skin missing I'd be screaming too.

Damn, what happened to the cool logo from the title screen? This is just bad. I mean I can't even read the title of the game, that's how bad it is. Nice music though.

"Go for it!" commands the sampled speech, so I start shooting. Hey, what happened to the music? All I get is a repeating drum loop now.

The game is a horizontally scrolling run and gun. It seems like I could sit here shooting these things forever and they'd just keep coming, so I'll start running right.

I love the animation of this guy, though I wouldn't call it good. I tried shooting the bird, but annoyingly they always fly too high to be hit. Flying enemies are all assholes.

Weirdly it seems that walking into an enemy hurts them more than it hurts you. Headbutting these birds is wearing down my health bar, but it kills them instantly.

Speaking of birds, the eye on the right hand bird on the interface keeps flashing and I don't understand why. It's very weird.

What the hell, that isn't floor? Why the hell is it blue and look the same as the floor then?

Uh? I've reached the end of the level but it's not letting me out. Oh I get it, I need to take the bottom ledge.

Not the bottom ledge then.

I started again, and this time I ran into one of those 'puzzle pieces' mentioned on the title screen. This must be what I need to exit the level.

Okay, what the fuck? What do I need to do to get off this damn level?


I tried backtracking and found an 'L'. I don't need an L, but I'm sure this wasn't here before. Maybe the other puzzle pieces have appeared around the level too.

Oh come on, I totally made that jump! At least I didn't land in the conveniently placed bottomless pit or else I'd be starting again.

I went all the way to the start of the level and found nothing. But I'm stubborn so I backtracked all the way back to the END of the level (again) and found another puzzle piece. Wait, isn't this where the L was?

Okay then, back to the start of the level!

Hey, this is where the heart was, I'm sure of it. One more piece to find now.


YES! I did it. Collecting all the puzzle pieces let me walk off the level, and now I can finally see what's waiting for me on level 2.


I'm not even sure if I can shoot this thing dead. He took himself out in the end by walking into me.

Subtle logo placement.

Damn gorillas. At least I get to hear the title music again.

Next game... after I listen to this tune for a few more minutes.

Click to read about the last game from the post, Blazing Thunder.

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