
Monday 21 February 2011

Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (Genesis/Mega Drive)

I've played a Ys game before I believe. If I remember right it was a jRPG viewed from above, where you walked into enemies to defeat them.

Hey, it's side view! Also, they waste no time wasting my time with unskippable small talk.

Let's walk all the way through the village, la la la. We don't have a choice it's an unskippable cutscene.

Yes, finally, a moment left unguarded, I can escape! Oh, well okay maybe I can't go left. Time to backtrack all the way through the village then I guess.

Oh c'mon, I have to see the mayor before I can leave town? For fuck's sake...

Wait, the mayor isn't IN the town? You're actually telling me I SHOULD leave town? This is awesome news, I love this!

That's weird, I thought Ys made you walk around the overworld, Zelda style, instead of having a map where you just select the next level.

Upon reaching the mine I immediately spring into action! The mayor needs my help, and I'm the only one heroic and bored enough to go and save him!

Okay, new strategy required. It seems like immediately springing into action was the way to instantly die at the first enemy.

And I've been put right back at the start of the game, BEFORE the unskippable intro. Thanks game!

Aha! It seems those buildings with no signs we passed in the intro are all shops and houses we can visit. Through trial and error I find the blacksmiths (it was the last house in the village), and spend my pocket money on weapons and armour.

NOW I'm kicking ass! These guys don't like it when you fight back.

They REALLY don't like it. Tactical retreat! I need to get into a better position where I'm not being attacked from both sides. I may have armour now but I still won't last more than a couple of hits from these guys.

Well, the mayor was probably dead anyway.

Next game!


  1. Well it certainly didn't help you chose to play the one even diehard fans of the franchise hate.

  2. I'm currently playing "Ys The Oath in Felghana", released in 2012, which appears to be a remake of that game. If you ever want to revisit your article (I know how much you enjoy having a look back at those), I'd recommend it, it's quite fun.

    1. I'm sorry but I don't play fan translations, even when the publisher licences it for their international release!

      Okay maybe I would in this case, but I can't say it's near the top of my Steam wishlist.
