
Wednesday 12 August 2020

Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (PC) - Part 1

Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition title screen
Enhanced - Developer:Overhaul|Release Date:2013|Systems:Win, OS X, iPad, Android, iPhone, Linux, Switch, PS4, XBOne
Original Game - Developer:BioWare|Release Date:2000|Systems:Win

This week on Super Adventures, I'm playing the Enhanced Edition of the gigantic Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. This one's a titan of RPGs, an absolute classic, and very similar to the original Baldur's Gate... which I've already written about. In fact you might be wondering why I'd spend so much time trying to play and then summarise something so massive and complex (and yet also so well known) when I've basically done it already, but it's too late for you to talk me out of it.

Baldur's Gate II was BioWare's fourth title, after mech action game Shattered Steel, Baldur's Gate, and misc action game MDK2, and this is the point where they cast away all distractions to fully devote themselves to the RPG genre. But they only make blockbuster AAA titles these days, so Beamdog (their Overhaul Games division to be precise) got to be the ones to update this game for modern systems 13 years later. They updated the Throne of Bhaal expansion as well, and even threw in a bonus battle arena called The Black Pits II (which I'm not gonna play).

The Enhanced Editions apparently sold well enough, as a few years later Beamdog also got to make a new expansion for the first Baldur's Gate, called Siege of Dragonspear, which fills you in what happened to your hero in the time skip between the two games. So Baldur's Gate II is now following on from content made 16 years after it. You can import your character from that expansion into this and start off way overleveled... by like 2 levels (Dungeons & Dragons can be incredibly stingy with the level ups it seems).

I never played pen and paper D&D and I haven't read any Forgotten Realms books, so I'll have no idea how faithful Baldur's Gate II is to the lore and gameplay. I have played a few of the videogames before though... including this one. In fact it was probably my first D&D game after Eye of the Beholder, and I completely bounced off it the first time I installed it because I had no bloody idea what I was doing. I don't even think I knew I was supposed to rest occasionally. But then I gave it a second go later and made real progress. Tons of progress. I didn't actually beat the bloody game though and it's been tormenting me ever since.

I'm thinking that I got about two thirds of the way through on my last time, but it's a bloody long game so I'm not really sure. All I know is that it's going to take more than the first hour to really get an idea of how it plays, but I'll try to skip through without really spoiling anything beyond the prologue. Expect lots of zoomed out images of tactical combat and beautiful shots of menu screens.

Original game
I know I'm supposed to be playing the Enhanced Edition, but there's no way I'm going to write about Baldur's Gate II and not include a screenshot of the original title screen. It's so beautiful... in a creepy HR Giger kind of way. It's a shame I can't screenshot the music as well, but I suppose you could just open YouTube in another tab.

The Enhanced Edition has an updated high resolution version of the screen and it looks fine, they haven't made it look like those mobile ports of the SNES Final Fantasy games, but it's not quite as good. Plus it's missing the frame that gets added when you bump the screen res from 640x480 to 800x600!

Though if I'd been the one in charge of the remastering, I would've had it so you could hover the mouse over the logo to get a tooltip telling you who the two characters are actually supposed to be. I mean I've got my suspicions but it'd be nice to know for sure.

Right, I'm going to click 'Single Player', pick normal difficulty, and start building a hero. Though I'll spare you from screenshots of all the 'choose class' and 'choose alignment' screens because they're pretty boring to look at.

Here, have a look at some of the pretty new Enhanced Edition portraits I could pick from instead. Sure the bottom middle one looks like it's from the cover of an 80s action movie and I'm sure the fourth one on the top is Laguna from Final Fantasy VIII, but the art is fantastic. So great in fact, that I don't even mind that they don't match the style of the original portraits at all.

The Enhanced game comes with 46 male and 30 female portraits, which is 60% more than the original version. This is a good thing, because a lot of those original portraits are actually shared by NPCs you'll meet and recruit.

I decided to pick:
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Inquisitor (it's a kind of Paladin that's good at making Mages miserable)
Alignment: Lawful Good (because I'm a Paladin)
And then I got to pick my stats.

Oh right, you have to roll for your character's stats in Dungeons and Dragons. If you're wondering if Enhanced Edition just gives you the maximum number of points to allocate so you can skip all the dice rolls, it does not. The only new feature here is that it tells you the sum of your stats, which is actually a big help. The number can go from somewhere in the 70s up to 90s, and the game would give me days to regret just going with my first roll.

Modern RPGs often tell you what the stats actually affect, this does not, so you can't be sure which is safe to use as a dump stat without opening up the manual. On the bright side at least you're not given information overload, and it does at least say 'this one's good for X classes'. My Paladin could apparently do with high strength, but that introduces a new problem, as the strength stat is special: once you reach 18 points it puts a percentage after it, and that's random with each roll.

Why is this a problem? Here, take a look at this graph.

Actually don't look at the graph, it's boring. Plus the other axis isn't labelled and what the hell's THAC0 anyway?

All you need to know is that anything between 18/01 and 18/50 is basically 19 strength, everything between 18/51 and 18/75 is 20 strength, and so on. So a score of 19 really functions more like it's supposed to be 24. Also, unrelated, but look at how little difference there is between 8 strength and 15. You could invest 7 precious attribute points there and get next to no benefit in combat from it. This is a messed up system and the game doesn't explain any of this!

Anyway, to get my total roll AND my strength percentage above 90 I had to click that reroll button 104 times.

It wouldn't have been the end of the world if I'd settled for something lower (plus I could've used EE Keeper or the max stats cheat), but I needed to do the research for you! And now I have to use the mouse with my other hand because my clicking hand is aching.

The story kicks off in an intro video that briefly recaps Baldur's Gate 1 (you're the son of the dead god of murder, you killed your evil brother and saved the day), and then explains that you had to leave afterwards due to dark circumstances and concern over your nature. They don't elaborate on the dark circumstances, but we finally got that story 16 years later in the incredibly late BG1 expansion pack Siege of Dragonspear, so there's not so much of an abrupt time jump anymore.

Incidentally, the video mixes 3D CGI with illustrations and it looks... alright for its time I reckon. The Enhanced Edition of Baldur's Gate annoyed fans by replacing the original 3D cutscenes with high res illustrated ones, but this is the exact same intro from the original Baldur's Gate II. So the video quality ain't great, but it's authentic.

Oh, I'm not liking how that background looks. The original game was designed in the time of fuzzy CRT monitors, but I think I'll turn off the artificial blurring.

The bad news is that my hero and has been captured and locked in a cell, where he's being tortured by a wizard. The good news is the wizard's played by David Warner, and he sounds awesome. This guy's a real pro; he was the one who tortured Captain Picard as well.

Also I love that this looks nothing like a typical fantasy dungeon. Baldur's Gate 1 starts you off in a dull tutorial fort, but this starts you off in a gritty industrial horror movie. Well, unless you choose to play the separate tutorial level first.

Another good thing about the Enhanced Edition is how customisable it is. You can turn off the things that annoy you about the update and some of the things that annoyed you in the original game too. I'm turning fake cosmetic attacks off right away.

I've also messed around with the font size to hopefully make the text readable for you. I did consider changing it to widescreen for a moment as well, but then I realised the game suits a squarer aspect ratio, with the way it puts the text box on the bottom.

Speaking of text boxes, the wizard teleported away to deal with an attack on his base and I was released from my cage by my old friend Imoen! You can tell that this is an older RPG as the options aren't:
1: Good response.
2: Sarcastic response.
3: Evil response.
The writers have cleverly provided the player with some optional amnesia here, which I remember appreciating years ago when I first tried this. I'd skipped the first game so I had no idea who Imoen was, beside what the intro told me about her being my childhood friend. Oh, by the way, you can select dialogue options by pressing number keys.

Once I finished the dialogue I was finally allowed to start clicking the buttons that had appeared down the sides of the screen. Like the character sheet button:

Here's my hero, a level 9 Inquisitor.

Oh, I forgot to mention, when I played around in the character creator earlier I was just doing research and getting screenshots, as I've actually done the proper preparation for this. I just finished playing through all of Baldur's Gate, plus both the Tales of the Sword Coast and Siege of Dragonspear expansions, so I have a veteran character to import! Only the character though (and a few items hopefully), not the story choices. Sadly it's not my hero Popful from the last article; I think I lost that save years ago.

I was curious about how Siege of Dragonspear was going to work, seeing as it had to give the player experience and let them level up, but also it had to lead into a game that's balanced for a Baldur's Gate endgame-level hero. Turns out playing the expansion pack has gotten me 309,671 extra XP; five times the experience you start with here if you create a new hero.

But that's fine, I'm only 2 levels higher so it shouldn't make much difference in the long run.

The game's point and click, so I pointed near to these cages and clicked to send my guy walking over.

There's two other people caged up in here and neither has adequate toilet facilities. The first time I played this I had no idea who Minsc was, but it didn't take me long to get his deal. He's got a distinctive way with words and speaks of his hamster often. They have a special bond that transcends sanity.

He also had a bond with a witch called Dynaheir, but the wizard's killed her off-screen and he's kind of pissed off about it! He's so angry that they had to weld him into his cell, because they couldn't risk a lock. First time around that name meant nothing to me, but she's been my mage for an entire RPG and two expansion packs so now I'm a little bit irked about it myself.

The game does something clever here, as you can deliberately pick the 'evil' options to enrage him enough to break out... except not really, as the 'good' options will do it just as well. So I've got Minsc on my team! But I'll need a key to rescue Jaheira as he's calmed down now and I'm probably not strong enough.

Original game
In the next room I came across a mindless golem and a bunch of stuff lying around. There's a button in the original game that highlights all interactive objects, but the Enhanced Edition lets you leave it turned on permanently, at the risk of ruining the mood. It already ruined my mood by removing that floppy disc save icon from the left menu panel so I'm leaving it active.

By the way, I should mention that despite how complex and cryptic the interface looks, it's actually really straightforward after you've played with it for a while. I don't feel like I'm fighting an archaic UI. It's even got a handy quicksave key!

The chest is full of various kinds of armour and the table is covered in weapons. None of it's ours, our high-level gear has probably been sold, but I'm unarmed and vulnerable so right now a pile of basic weapons is looking very enticing to me. In fact I have to stop myself from picking it all up and trying to carry it out of the dungeon to sell... but only because I already know it's worthless.

Original game
Man that's a lot of gear to drag around. It's times like this that I'm glad the game uses a mouse.

I love the sounds you get when you move items around your inventory grid; they've all got an appropriate noise. I don't know which weapons are appropriate for each characters class and pre-set proficiencies yet, but I can just open the character record screen to check (and then scribble it down on my notepad for future reference).

Right, Minsc is proficient in maces and Imoen can use a dagger and a shortbow (and magic). Shame there's no bows here, or any ranged weapons, as they're bloody good if you've got the ammo for them. They help keep the squishy characters away from the front line. I've got to be honest, I kind of want the katana, but for some reason that's a different skillset to a long sword, so my character's no good with them.

Oh, plus I found the jail cell key, so I can free Jaheira now!

Here's what the Enhanced Edition of the inventory screen looks like (there's no button to switch between the different graphics like in the LucasArts adventure remasters, I'm just playing two separate versions of the game).

There's a few helpful changes here, like you can make much bigger stacks of arrows and potions, you can put a shield in the off-hand even when you have two handed weapon one of the quick slots, and it actually tells you what's affecting your stats! Plus if you select an item you can see at glance how it compares to what you have equipped and who else is able to equip it. It makes the original game feel really awkward by comparison. Still no separate party stash though.

I should mention that this uses 2nd edition D&D rules, which means lower armour numbers are better, and bigger THAC0 numbers are good. I've put hours into these games now so I'm pretty sure that's how it works now, even though I couldn't tell you exactly why.

Disco Elysium managed to incorporate dice rolls into gameplay in a very visual and intuitive way, this game not so much. You can't tell at a glance if a 2d6+1 club is better than a 1d4+3 dagger that gives you one extra attack per round, even though it's a computer game and it should be able to give you some clue to what your DPS is. It doesn't tell you that a round lasts 6 seconds either, or that a weapon's 'speed factor' doesn't change how often you attack with it. Though I guess it's possible that it's mentioned in the manual...

The game does tell you that Mages and Thieves can't wear armour without it blocking their skills, which is a little awkward as Imoen took a few levels in Thief before switching to Mage. But it's fine as she's automatically cast an armour spell on herself.

Original game
The Baldur's Gates don't use mana or cooldowns, instead you get a limited number of shots that you plan in advance.

There's two spell books, one for priest spells and the other for mage spells, and most magic users only have one or the other. Which is good, as I've started off with a ton of spells to keep track of here and I'm only going to get more. I mean this is a team powerful enough to take on Baldur's Gate's final boss, so they've got some firepower in their arsenal.

Jaheria and Imoen's classes both get a number of single-use slots to put spells into, separated into different pages, and they have to last us until we rest. So I could pick a variety of things here and turn them into a Swiss Army knife, or I could just load up on five casts of the rubbish low-tier healing spell. I definitely need to load Imoen up with some casts of Identify so I can unlock and use any enchanted weapons and armour I find.

Trouble is that to see what a spell is I have to hover the mouse over it, and to get a description I have to right click. There's a lot of information here to process and it's not making it easy for me.

Fortunately the Enhanced Edition has reworked the screen so you can see the name and description on the same page!

I like how unusual some of these spells are. They're not all just variations on 'make some of the enemy's health disappear'. They've gone the extra mile to carry over the pen and paper game's weirdness to a real time strategy game.

The Enhanced Edition also lets you fine tune each character's AI, letting you decide what actions they should take by themselves. Imoen's my Thief, so I've got her set to automatically detect traps, but she's also my Mage, so I have her auto-casting defensive spells only. Plus I've set it so no one's allowed to choose targets and attack by themselves; I'm micromanaging that myself.

Oh, you attack things in this game by the way. It's not all about managing characters.

Though when I met this genie on the way out of the cells it seemed like he just wanted to talk. He asked me a question, a variation on the prisoner's dilemma where two people are locked in separate rooms, unable to communicate, and given a choice to make: save yourself or the other person. Only in this case if you both choose to save the other, you both die.

Anyway, not important. I chose to save the other person and he summoned an Ogre Mage for me to fight! I've got it set to auto-pause when an enemy or trap is sighted, so I had time to really think this through... then decided to just select everyone on my team and then click on him. I'm playing it WarCraft-style right now. My team hit him with sharp objects for a couple of seconds and once enough of their hits actually connected that was him sorted out.

Not that it took long at all. There's still a bit of swinging and missing, but these are veteran heroes who've already endured low level D&D and made it out the other side. It should be much smoother sailing for them now.

A little further on I found a room full of tubes, and tried to click on them all quick enough to get all the messages on screen at once.

Turns out our wizard torturer friend has been meddling with nature, turning people into... something else, and Imoen and I have been in this room ourselves at one point. So that's fun. Nothing to do in here until I find newer power cells though, except to raid the chests for loot. That box is highlighted red though, so I'll have Imoen disable the trap first.

Original game
My team were ambushed on the way out of the tube room by a gang of goblins!

I figured that I'd try out some of the spells I didn't use when I played through the first Baldur's Gate, and cast Entangle on the group. It worked great, trapped all the goblins in place... trouble is that I accidentally trapped Minsc along with them and now they're filling him full of arrows. I just assumed the spell would paralyse them like Web does!

Minsc was burning through my health potions, and I can't resurrect people yet, so I sent Jaheira over to use her fairly rubbish healing magic on him... and managed to get her caught as well. Meanwhile I'm doing next to nothing to the goblins because I'm not loaded up with ranged weapons. Okay, lesson learned: don't incapacitate enemies until you have the means to attack them from a safe distance.

Hang on, if the goblins are carrying bows that means I've got ranged weapons and the ammo I need for them now! Dead enemies drop everything they're carrying in this game, so you end up with piles of low level armour and weapons everywhere.

A little further on I ran into a sewage golem, which is terrible news because it means that there's sewers nearby and I probably need to go through them. He can't open the sewers without his activation stone though, so I need to keep an eye out for that. 

I searched through all the objects for more treasure, and found one of my old one-handed long swords: Varscona +2! I'm better with two-handed blades, but I'll take an enchanted +2 weapon gladly.

Though hang on, if I'm collecting some of my old gear from the last game, then where's my pants? I don't want to go too far without knowing for sure that my pants got imported.


There, I found them! Turns out that the golden pantaloons don't get imported if they're inside a bag of holding. So I had to load my last Siege of Dragonspear save, take them out of the bag, save the game, then import that save into Baldur's Gate II and play it from the start again.

The pantaloons don't actually serve any purpose... yet, but they make it pretty obvious that the game's not taking itself that seriously.

One of the things that stands out to me about the Infinity Engine games, is how hand crafted the loot is. You don't find a procedurally generated sword that gives 15 damage more than the one you picked up 5 minutes ago, you get something like Spider's Bane +2, with its own illustration, backstory and special powers. And then you hold onto it, because with so many weapon types it may be a long while before you find anything better for your characters.

Crap, I used Imoen's 'hide in shadows' thief ability to sneak through this library and scout the place out, but then I couldn't get the invisibility to work again afterwards to get her back over to the group again.

Never mind, doesn't matter, I can take on a room full of goblins with three people. What I've been doing is sending one character out to lure a couple of them over, then pulling them back to an ambush I've got set up at a doorway or around a corner. I also like to focus everyone's attacks on a single target so everyone piles up on them and takes them off the board quickly. It hasn't been working perfectly, I've lost a few hit points, but I haven't had to rest yet. Which also means that all the spells I chose earlier aren't available yet either.

Original game
Hah, I caught a room full of evil dwarves in my Web spell without getting myself caught in it myself this time! Not bad, seeing as I barely ever used it in the earlier games and I haven't learned its range.

Web is a lot like Entangle, except it prevents enemies from taking any action, so they can't attack me from a distance like the goblins did. Which means that Imoen can take them all down solo with her bow and all those arrows I picked up!

Oh, hang on, sometimes they escape the web a bit and fire an arrow over at her, so this isn't a perfect plan. And I can't send the others over there to hit them with swords because then they'll get webbed too. I really need to rest and memorise a couple of Fireball spells already. Fireball was my truest friend throughout the first game (shame about the friendly fire). A Cloudkill might be nice too; all that lovely lingering AoE damage. Both go well with Web I believe.


Man, this is a much better dungeon than the horrible featureless mazes in the first game. But I've explored the whole map and reached a dead end, so I'm a bit stuck now. There is a door nearby but I need to find some kind of statue to open it, so that's no good.

Those map markers are new for the sequel I think, as I remember struggling to remember where anything was in original Baldur's Gate 1 (before they Enhanced it). Okay, I started in the cells in the bottom right, then I went through the cave to the tubes on the left, then I went up and met a guy called Rielev who had a golem activation stone next to him, then I went to the library...

Wait, I've got the activation stone I was looking for! I can give it to the golem and get the sewers opened up! I don't really want to go to the sewers, but it's my only way out.


Original game
Okay what the hell is this thing? It's infected my hero with 'diseased' and 'slow', and my bloody Druid with all the healing spells has gone off wandering just when I need her. The pathfinding in this game isn't always perfect, and the little guys get jammed up and stuck occasionally too.

I ended up distracting the otyugh by casting a Call Woodland Beings spell to summon a nymph, who acted as another target while also helping out with her own spells. Status effects are more fun when I'm the one inflicting them (on enemies, not on my own team).

On the other side of the sewer monster I found an underground forest. Because why not? It's just that kind of evil lair.

Here I met a group of friendly dryads who are also being held prisoner by the wizard, and they told me his name is Irenicus. They can't leave their trees so they need me to take their acorns to a place called Windspear Hills, which will somehow solve that problem. (No relation to Dragonspear Castle from the expansion pack).

I can use the portal to leave now, but I finally found that statue I need to open the mysterious door I passed earlier, so I should check that out first.

Whoa, Irenicus has an indoor airship dock!

I think this is actually the Elemental Plane of Air, and it's full of annoying little creatures that like to zap me with spells. It also contains a genie who needs me to get him a lamp... which is all the way over with the dryads. So I have to backtrack through the whole level, with no enemies left to fight, get the lamp, backtrack through the level again, give him the lamp, then backtrack through the whole level again. This better be some awesome loot he's giving me for this.

Hey it's the sword dropped by the last boss of Baldur's Gate! It's the Sword of Chaos +2, which gives me one hit point of life leeched from the enemy with every hit. Plus it's two-handed, which is what I'm good at.

I walked through the stargate to the second floor and ran into this bloke.

He told me that he's not sure how he came to be trapped here and that he hasn't found a way out of this place yet, and my first two dialogue options are: "How did you come to be trapped here?" and "Do you know a way out of this place?" (The third choice is just rude!). The dialogue's often pretty decent... but not always. It's also generally silent, after a couple of voiced lines to establish what people sound like.

Yoshimo's another Thief like Imoen, so that's a bit redundant; I don't really need two Thieves. But hey, he can use a katana so he's welcome to come along. He's also apparently really good at laying traps, but it's not something I've ever really played with.

Through the next door I got a good look at what's been causing Yoshimo trouble: four monster generators. I have to kill each of the portals or else they'll keep spitting out new Mephits, and as much as I appreciate the light show they're putting out I just don't have the health to stand here admiring it. At least I'm doing better than the guy lying dead on the table over there.

When Jaheira got close to the corpse she realised that it's her husband, Khalid, and reacted pretty much the way you'd expect. Especially when Minsc started talking about his bloody hamster again. It's actually possible for Jaheira to get pissed and leave if you pick insensitive dialogue options, so I'll try to avoid that.

Khalid is another party member from the first game murdered off-screen, and like with Dynaheir it's impossible for us to save them with our resurrection magic. Though this does have the helpful side effect of letting me bring Jaheira and Minsc into my crew without them choosing the other half of my team for me. No forced pairs anymore in this game.

Man, that's a lot of trapped floor tiles.

Alright, this isn't as bad as it looks. Sure these particular pressure plates have been rigged to be impossible for a Thief to disarm, but they can be deactivated by inserting the correct key into the pillar next to them, and I even get a free wand each time! In fact I'm not sure this isn't a stealth tutorial teaching players how devastating wands are, and how they should definitely use them, by having a row of them set up to blast careless players as they walk by. There's only one charge left in each by the time you get them, but you can refill them by selling them to a shop and buying them again (at a massively increased price).

The Thief's trap detection skill is passive in this, more or less, but it's awkward because it only pings once every round (six seconds), so you can easily walk right into traps if they're just lying somewhere in a hallway. Fortunately you can often easily walk around them as well, as I've noticed they generally only cover the visible part of the floor. If you stay close to an obscured wall and walk under the block of absolute darkness you can often slip by.

Oh by the way, I clicked the rest button to get my health back and I wasn't ambushed by enemies in the night! So that's a nice change from BG1. I've also got all those spells I chose to memorise, which means I can finally use Fireball!

I love Fireball. A room full of smoking goblin corpses with 'uninjured' still written above them really demonstrates how instantly deadly it is. The trick is to judge the distance right so you can hit the enemies without also cooking your front row (there's no AoE markers but there is friendly fire). Fortunately I get all my casts of the spell back every time I sleep so I have plenty of opportunity to practice, and monsters don't seem to be interrupting my rest here.

Oh by the way, see that row of treasure along the bottom of the screen? That's the loot the goblins just dropped. In the original game you have to click every corpse individually to search them all and it's really bloody tedious, but the Enhanced Edition just shows you what's on the floor nearby and lets you grab it all from where you're standing. It's a really helpful feature that saves a lot of messing around, but if you don't like it a single click will make it go away.

I was right next to the exit at this point, so I walked out into the sunlight and the rubble and got this cutscene of Irenicus blowing up Assassins and Wizards outside. I mean that literally: he's turning them into chunks. It'd all be very impressive if I could see anything. I've got it zoomed in and cropped here and it's still hard to spot him standing there (he's right under the second speech bubble).

The Mages are the magic police, here to arrest Irenicus for illegal use of spells. Even a group of these guys don't stand a chance against him, but magic users can only memorise so many spells so he has to run out eventually, and he decides to give in... but only if they take Imoen with them too. She fired off a Magic Missile at him in anger during the cutscene so she's also a magic criminal.

Losing Imoen like this is a pretty dramatic twist and Minsc has things to say about it. 

Unfortunately the game plays his generic sound clip when his dialogue box appears, so the actual words coming out of his mouth were: "Every hamster has his day!" with the hamster chiming in at the end with some squeaks. Kind of ruined the mood.

I feel like I've played this long enough for one post, but I haven't really gotten anywhere yet! I'm only just out of the prologue, ready to go find my first shop and check out the world map. So I'm going to keep going with it for a while, taking snapshots whenever I come across something I feel like talking about along the way.

Check back tomorrow for more Super Adventures across the Sword Coast!



  1. Don't worry about having no background in the Forgotten Realms. The Baldur's Gate (PC) games are the best things to come from it, so you're not missing much.

    Yoshimo's traps are amazing, and the best thing is that they are infinite, or at least were in the original game; I haven't played the Enhanced version. What this means is that if you're sneaky enough you can lay, say, 100 traps in front of a dragon and retreat, then edge forward until the dragon sees you and activates, blunders into the 100 traps, and dies instantly.

    Some people don't like that sort of thing and think it's cheating. I think it's ace.

    1. Okay, I should've probably tried using infinite traps, that sounds like it could've been useful.
