
Saturday 21 January 2012

Air Cavalry (SNES)

Wow, it's playing Ride of the Valkyries. Looking at that title screen there's no way this isn't going to be an overhead shoot 'em up.

Well okay I guess I just go to the boxes with boxes around them and fire stuff at them then.

Seems like I'm stuck flying this little thing then. Plus they've only given me 12 rockets.

Wow, so I only get half a screen to play in then?

Okay it seems that this is a third person helicopter shooter, and I have full freedom to fly around the level. So I guess should be going to each of the boxes on the radar and blowing up whatever I find there. Like this AAA gun maybe.


This screenshot may look identical to those other few, but eagle-eyed readers may have spotted that the dots on the radar have changed. I have taken down two targets somehow, or maybe just flown past them I can't tell.

I'm building up a collection of red words on the right, and I get more of them whenever I get close to an enemy. They've shredded my engine so I've been slowed down to a crawl, and I'm almost certain they just blew up half my rocket ammo. I'm already about to explode, is it really necessary to cripple me too?

I wish to protest on the grounds that this is not even the type of helicopter I was flying.

Okay I restarted, and I'm doing a little better this time. I've found that my gun auto-aims at the the targets as long as I can keep them on screen, and getting around's easier now that my helicopter's only slightly wrecked.

I still haven't figured out how to avoid taking hits, but maybe if I'm fast enough it won't matter.

I carry out the traditional post-mission giant flag flyby to celebrate another glorious victory for America.

Mission two, more of the same. More boxes on the radar, more tanks shooting me.

Well I screwed that up again, somehow. Maybe I'm using the wrong weapons on the wrong targets, or maybe I'm not dodging enough I don't know.

I'm getting the impression though that this isn't a very good game, and it's boring the hell out of me. Next game.


  1. Thanks for getting back to the SNES. I've enjoyed reading your reviews. I have to agree with you that this game doesn't seem to be all that great.

    If I may, I'd like to request a few more SNES reviews that you haven't done yet. I appreciate any that you can do. My requested SNES reviews are as follows:

    3 Ninjas Kick Back (SNES)
    Actraiser (SNES)
    Actraiser II (SNES)
    Adventures of Batman and Robin (SNES)
    Aero Fighters (SNES)
    Ardy Lightfoot (SNES)
    Biker Mice From Mars (SNES)
    BlaZeon (SNES)
    Brain Lord (SNES)

    There are many more SNES games that I'd love to see you review, but I don't want to overload you, and I know that you also play/review games for many systems. I'll request some more later on.

    Thank you very much for this interesting blog!

  2. Thanks for enjoying the blog.

    I've added your games to my list of things to play, but it's a long long list so it's going to take me a while to get to them. A long while.

    Though I did play the Sega version of 3 Ninjas already, and it seems to be pretty much the exact same game on the SNES as far as I can tell. Lots of running away from boulders and searching for training dummies to hit.

  3. Thanks for adding my suggestions to your list. I eagerly anticipate reading the reviews.

    I saw the Sega 3 Ninjas review, but I wasn't sure how similar the games were. Since I've never had a Sega, and my emulation history is old and scarce, the only version that I'm ever likely to try is the SNES one. I've been considering getting it, but I wanted to read some more reviews on it first. If you say that it seems pretty similar to the Sega one, then I'll just go on that review.

    A side question about your blog design: I appreciate both the Game List button at the top and the Games Systems link on the side. Please keep both. If it's doable, then I'd like to request that you have an additional way to sort your entire game list by various systems so that folks could select a system and see the simple alphabetized names list all at once. (This would be in addition to the listings that you've already got and not a replacement.)

  4. Yeah, I wouldn't mind having that feature myself. It's probably possible, but it's something I'd have to figure out.

  5. I see the new listing buttons at the top. I like them.
    Thanks a lot!
