
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Gordo 106 (Lynx)

Why do video game animal heroes always have to be 'the' something? Sonic the Hedgehog, Ecco the Dolphin, Spyro the Dragon, Aero the Acrobat, Quik the Thunder Rabbit...

Wow, this game is depressing.

I like the addition of a smug businessman smoking a cigar in the background. No reason why he's there, he just is. What an asshole.

An experimental nuclear potion? Were they trying to give the monkey super powers or something? Or maybe they were hoping they could give themselves super powers with radioactive monkey bites.

I thought his name was a little weird so I looked it up. Apparently Gordo is the name of a real test monkey who was sent up in a space rocket in the 1950s. He didn't have a happy ending.

It's possible that scientist is up there because he's scared of the super intelligent rogue monkey running loose within his lab. But I prefer to imagine he's up there because of science.

I'd jump up and throw an apple his way, but unfortunately I can't throw while I'm jumping. I'm going to have to land on the table in front of him, then fire an apple off before he can walk into me.

I can't jump that, it's way too far!

Well I guess I'm done with this game then, thankfully. It was reasonably slick for a Lynx platformer and the music... well it was on the borderline of bearable. But this is where Gordo's story ends.

Oh wait, I can run by double tapping in a direction. Well, most of the time. I haven't quite mastered it yet.

Using his monkey powers, Gordo is able to swing from light to light. Just as long as I remember to stop holding the jump button so he actually grabs hold, instead of plummeting to the ground/a hole.

Why are there bottomless pits in this lab anyway? Just because?

Agh, scientists burn like acid, and he's too close to hit with my apples. Fortunately I have a decent amount of hit points, and I can replenish them with bananas. I just need to get away from this guy so I can throw apples from a distance.

Hey I found a rabbit. It doesn't seem to do anything though, just bounces around.

Maybe I can get my hands on some of that nuclear potion and give it to this guy, give him super intelligence too. He could be my sidekick! We'll have to find a single item of clothing to wear too. Can't be a heroic animal without sneakers or a tie or a cap or something.

It's just an exit sign Gordo, don't get too excited. Man, I think I liked him better with the cap on.

Damn scientists are throwing clipboards or something at me now.

Okay, it seems I have to do a running jump to get up to that conveyor belt up there. So all I have to do is manage to double tap into a run on just this tiny ledge.

I decided to try walking further back to get a run up, then made a running leap up onto the ledge, The plan was to immediately jump again to cross the gap, but that didn't quite work out.

And now I get to see where the bottomless pits go!

Whoa, these things actually do go somewhere. Or maybe I'll just keep falling forever.

I fell into an entirely different level. A harsh place with instakill acid pits and fireballs. And then I screwed up a jump and cooked my monkey.

Well I'm back again.


Crap, I finally got up to the conveyor belt... and then I barely make it one screen before I hit my head on a low ceiling trying to jump a gap, and fell back down again.

Well I can't get up from this side. Time to go back across the hole and do the running jump on the ledge again.

I didn't make it back over the hole.

That blue platform is just scenery by the way, I can't jump on it.

Oh crap.


Level 1-2 again. This time I ran across the bit with the low ceiling instead of jumping and banging my head. It was going well until I forgot not to hold jump while trying to grab onto some ceiling lights.

A split second before Gordo bursts into flames for landing too close to the lava.


Back on level 1-2 again. I've made it across the ceiling lights, but now I need to make this jump at the end of the ledge to... somewhere.

But I screw it up because I didn't account for the conveyor belt pushing me over the ledge. Down another pit back to the dungeon then.

These dungeons levels seem to be chosen at random. I missed a jump earlier and ended up in a totally safe area filled with caged animals, banana health pickups and extra apples. When I left I was put back at the start of Level 1-2, but without losing a life. So it is possible to escape the bottomless pit unharmed.

This particular one doesn't seem so safe though.

Another screenshot taken a split second before Gordo burns into flames for being too close to lava. I guess his tail acts like a fuse. If that thing ever gets lit, he's gonna explode.


Oh come on! This time I tried to cautiously back up on the conveyor belt so I could get a running jump without falling off, and Gordo managed to get himself caught by the machinery and cosmetic-tested to death.

Good. I can go play something else now. Something without blind jumps and bottomless pits hopefully.

Next game.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I was the artist on this! My first game! Thanks for the memories, I hadn't seen this stuff in forever.

