
Sunday 22 May 2011

Valdis Story (PC) - Guest Post

Ocean returns with a look at another free rpg.

Valdis Story was something I was asked to play. As I was playing Indie RPGs, I figured why not? It's more a platformer than an RPG really but it does have levelling... I guess that's about it from what I got to play. You can download it here.

Very neat title screen I thought! Time to give it a whirl.

I guess that's where the Valdis part comes in.

I really don't remember taking this screen. Anyway!

Yeah... I'm leaving today. Gotta jump on platforms.

Tutorial! They're kept nice and simple. Although I don't think any of them explain to me what that sun thing in the HUD is.

It looks pretty nice actually. I'll stare at this tree for a little bit before I head off.

Now you can swing your sword around a bit!

I'll just sit here and enjoy the scenery a bit. I just realized I took screens after I wiped the enemies out. Whoops.

So here they are! This guy fires 3 arrows at you, so they're annoying.

Oh no, bottomless pits!

You can block with your sword too.

These guys throw acid at you. It hurts. Verrry much.

And then I died. Game over!

The controls are a bit weird, I thought. It's not a bad game, and I liked double jumping. I just couldn't really figure out where to go after that. I'm sure if I had more time to spend on it I'd have figured it out. But for now, that's all. Give it a try, you might like it!

In the end, I never did figure out what that sun in the HUD is for.

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