
Saturday 14 May 2011

The Spirit Engine II (PC) - Guest Post

RPG expert Ocean is back with another freeware game, which you can download for yourself here.

The Spirit Engine 2. By the name I thought it'd be some type of train game or a new game making engine or something. But it's a side scrolling RPG, without platforming parts.

You can change the difficulty and also even change it midgame if you want, but you can disable that too if you don't like that.

Here you can choose which 3 characters you want. They all have their backstories and I'm sure you'd be interested but I guess they said to make one priest, one warrior and one musketeer so I'll do that. The blonde is cute and I don't want the mask guy.

Pretty interesting scenery here. A lot of the game can be controlled with just the mouse. Click left to move there, click continue to go on, stuff like that.

The comment before this was "I feel I'm not on good terms with the Lord" or something like that. Her comment was pretty good.

I'm sure they'd prefer it to be with a woman rather than an altar boy. Geez I really picked the wrong character, this guy is obnoxious.

So I am fighting a boss. Here I get to use Explosion, Strike and Slay over and over until I'm low on health, which then I recover self. He can't recover others as far as I know. After going through the tutorials of Recettear, these tutorials made me want to skip through them.

I rather like the victory music.

Levelling up gets you skill points to distribute.

Some mechanical tentacle looking thing came down and took some crazy guy. I'm just as weirded out about it as you are.

I don't think I posted much on the battle mechanics. I really don't get them either. You can click on one of the 3 commands (I thought in the menu you had more, but I'm not seeing how to get them?), and then just wait until its their turn to act. Repeat until the enemies are dead. It shows the enemies health though, which is nice.

We're headed towards that fortress.

This is the last guy on our party, he's a fairly cool old dude. He's a Soldier of sorts, still in shape and makes fun of the old priest for his whining, and is pretty knowledgeable. Way more tolerable than the priest.

A cool mechanic: When your health goes down to 0, they're down. But the R number below them shows how long until they're revived again. They won't have very much HP but it really helps.

I didn't get this boss. It kept going down and healing all its damage, which simultaneously smashing into the ground and dealing damage to all of us. With all that, I thought it was one of those "You're supposed to lose" bosses, so I just died and waited to see what would come out.

GAME OVER. Well, I dunno, I didn't really enjoy it. Some of the characters talk way too much, some are really annoying, and I didn't get what I was really doing. The side view thing wasn't even taken advantage of, it seems to just be there.


  1. Hello. I have just read you review and have decide to review it. You seem to have played the first 20 minutes of the game (poorly) and then quit. This would really bother me if you hadn't written what seems to be a rather negative review. If you want to write reviews please keep one thing in mind, Play the entire game. If you can't finish it, Don't write a review. Sorry if you find any of this offensive but I was really annoyed when I read this terrible review of such a wonderful, interesting and challenging game.

    1. P.S. If anyone read this review and has decided not to try this game, I think you should find a better review, where the writer has actually played the full game.

    2. If you have to play the /whole/ damn game before you can get a good idea of what it is like and its quality then you're doing something wrong.
      So no, there is nothing wrong with this review.

    3. I totally agree, with both of you. About reviews anyway, I haven't played Spirit Engine 2 myself.

      But Super Adventures is more about first impressions rather than actual reviews, and I've told everyone who's written posts for the site to give the game they're playing a few hours and then quit. Or at least quit taking screenshots before it starts to turn into a full blown 'let's play'.

      People should totally look elsewhere if they want a real review, and I'm sorry if we gave you the wrong impression.

  2. It's really just "playing through", initial impressions type of deal. I just play through some games and if I like it I'll keep going with it. I have lots on my plate but I do get curious about some games. Honestly, these are just our own opinions. Not professional reviews where you're out to sell the game or give proper feedback. Partially we also do this to get screenshots for various games to show off how they're like.

    I've been told the game was good. Hey maybe it is, but as it was I wasn't all that interested. I think. I don't remember much of this anymore and I don't have the time to pick it up again and see if I just picked bad characters or if I have to wait 20 hours for them to get better or whatever. I don't agree that you have to play the whole game to see how it's like. It's a good idea and really helps, but not necessary. "Should play all of superman 64 before you review it and say it's bad!" is silly. I'm not saying this game is as bad as that, in fact it is not. I don't think I got a really good view of the whole game, but that's not what I was aiming for. It's a first impression, of my own experience.

    Or maybe it's one of those things were the intro isn't all that but gets really good later. I'm not a trusting person when it comes to that though since in my experience it doesn't happen to me as often as people like to say it does.
