
Sunday 10 April 2011

Snow White in Happily Ever After (SNES)

These cartoon games often turn out to be quite well made, but I've got my doubts about this one.

There's Snow White, truly the fairest of them all. Well it's a platformer, I'm on a forest level, and it looks a bit nasty so there's no surprises so far. I seem to start off with 45 lives/hit points though, which is nice.

Also the music is bearable, which I'm definitely thankful for.

Seems like I can kill enemies with thrown apples AND by jumping on them. It's nice to have a choice. You have limited ammo, but with 64 shots and a level covered in apples I'm not overly concerned.

I'm gonna kill this caterpillar guy, then jump up over those blocks.

OW! An invisible block out of nowhere! Now I can't get through the gap, I can't jump high enough to reach the spring and I can't seem to break these bricks with my apples. I guess I'll go around the long way.

Getting around in this game isn't too frustrating. Sometimes my jump doesn't reach as far as I expected and Snow White misses and falls, crashing into the ground ass first. But falling from a distance only stuns her a bit, she doesn't lose a hit point.

She builds up speed as she walks however, so I can be walking carefully towards a chasm getting ready to jump, when a sudden burst of acceleration throws her forward off the cliff to her death.

Agh! I jumped up to grab that fruit and hit more invisible blocks.

And now I've got to climb all the way back up again.

To be fair, jumping on these invisible blocks often leads to secret bonus stuff. It's always nice to get free stuff and alternate paths as a reward for exploration.

Oh, I CAN break these blocks with my apples. Even Snow White is shocked. It seems that I just have to be standing further away when I throw the apple.

Son of a bitch, I was trying to make a jump! Damn invisible blocks. Now I've got to get back up there again, assuming I'm not falling down a bottomless pit.

The game is actually quite fair with the blind jumps, using pick ups to indicate safe paths and letting me move the camera a bit with the shoulder buttons, and up and down on the d-pad. Though down is also used for duck, so every time I duck below an enemy the camera flies away downwards and I can't see what I'm doing anymore.

I tried jumping on that bee and I took damage, so I ran away instead and it followed me here. An apple flavoured super attack sorted it out though.

Well that's just annoying. I reach the edge of the level, travel down on the lift, and all I get as my reward is a checkpoint? Sorry Snow White, your exit is in another part of the level!

I went all the way back up, climbed the tree/beanstalk thing, and reached the exit... into the clouds!

I never watched the Snow White movie, but wasn't it more about dwarfs and fairies than beanstalks and caterpillars? Or am I getting my fairytales mixed up again.

It seems I can stand on the clouds, as is traditional for cloud levels, so this level might not be as dangerous as it seems.

Damn! I guess I can only land on those really tiny clouds. Everything else I just fall through.

Well there's stuff down there so at least there's a chance I won't die from this.

Well. Here I am.

Next game.

1 comment:

  1. i luv that game when i was younger.... miss it all!
