
Sunday 3 April 2011

Realm (SNES)

Shiny chrome text and animated arcs of electricity, nice.

It's a platformer, this is a forest level, and we have a gun. Very nice trees by the way, though the leaves look like someone scribbled them onto a big piece of cardboard and glued them to the branches. The music is much the same style and quality as his haircut if you're wondering.

Hey, look! There's a high tech looking box up there with RD350 written on the side. I simply must know what this is.

Oh wow.

It's a homing laser!

It's a fucking homing laser! I can kill anything on screen without even aiming.

I'm liking this.

Aww, what's this I just picked up? A rapid fire three way spread plasma gun? Who wants that?

Wow I could have killed these annoying fireball things already without even turning around if I still had that cool homing laser equipped.

Guns need ammo, but luckily I can get a refill by shooting at these crystals.

And then I can pull out the homing laser again! Poor demon never saw it coming.

Hey what the hell? The wall just shot a glowing blue ball of hurt at me! I was lucky to dodge it.

Oh... it was the tree that shot me! Well that makes perfect sense then. Yeah I'm done with this.

This really didn't seem like a great game, and I wasn't really enjoying it. It controls alright and it looks alright and the music was... tolerable. But jumping around trying to reach tree branches, with annoying little flying enemies trying to make me fall off or die, it just wasn't working for me.

Next game.


  1. Um, patience maybe? Its a good game

    1. But my complete lack of patience is my only gimmick!

      I really was terrible at giving games a fair chance back in the early months of 2011, but I don't remember this one giving me any cause to think it was going to get better. Then again I don't remember it at all really. Maybe it's time for a replay soon.
