
Wednesday 30 March 2011

Super Pinball: Behind the Mask (SNES)

This is an actual professionally made game, seriously. It even got a sequel.

And the winner for most dramatic menu screen goes to...

The table selection screen. Whoa, that second one has Iron Man in it? I'm definitely starting with that one then.

Okay, scroll down already, let's see this table.

Wow. Is that it? We're not going to zoom in or anything? Look at the size of the tiny pinball!

It doesn't even have Iron Man on it. I'm so disappointed.

Sometimes you'll get something flashy to appear. Like this still picture with some writing... that scrolls up!

Or a zoom in to this guy's eyes.

Next table!

 That... doesn't really look much like a wizard. He looks more like a Viking goth in a trenchcoat.

 Yeah, I'm still not seeing anything wizardy here. This table's about as interesting as the first one.

I managed to get this to fly in from the side though, so there's that.

This is what the last table looks like, if anyone was even slightly curious.

It's strange just how many pinball games released in this era couldn't even get the basics right. I've played a million competent platformers, where are all the competent pinball games? I'm hardly an expert on pinball, but there's a few things even I know.

Pinball game design tips!
1. Let the player see enough of the table to be able to aim his shots, but don't try to fit it all on screen at once because then you end up with a tiny table you can barely see.

2. Pinball games are about lights and noise and music and flashy animations. It's about yelling 'F-F-F-FIVE MILLION!" at the player with enthusiasm, and rewarding them for completing goals with a little jingle and the board lighting up.

3. Give the player a table they have a hope of understanding, with ramps having labels telling you what they do.

4. Okay it's just personal preference, but I like it better when they have that pin between the flippers, so you can't be taken out with unlucky drop right through the middle.

I mean, compare it to Pinball Illusions. The table fills the entire screen, and it has some depth to it. Everything's labelled and visually interesting, there's a big screen at the top to show little animations whenever anything happens. Plus there's stuff to DO on it, which is always nice.

Ugh, next game.

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