
Thursday 24 March 2011

Mo Hawk & Headphone Jack (SNES)

It looks a lot worse in motion. The background I mean, not the naked... uh, thing. The naked thing doesn't move.

It looks like it's going to be a generic platfomer. You can walk, roll, jump around, explode for massive damage... but the animation is interesting. I ran into a wall, and the character morphed and reformed to face the opposite direction, T-1000 style.

When you jump through the air, his arms turn into legs, his legs into arms, and his face slides through his torso to connect to his ass. There's no reason for it, he does it just because he can.

You roll through enemies to blow them up, and run through cds to pick them up. It's not recommended to run through enemies and roll through discs. It's possible you might need a hundred of those cds to open the exit, but I never checked that out.

The thing that sets this game apart is the way gravity is always screwing with you. You can be running up a hill, and suddenly you find the whole world spinning around to keep the floor level.

You can be falling down, and suddenly the world changes direction on you and you're flying off somewhere else.

Am I on the floor, the ceiling, a wall? The background seems to be tilted 45 degrees but that doesn't help much.

Unless those background arrows are a clue, there's no marker to tell you which way is up, or a quest marker pointing to the exit. You're adrift without bearings in a world full of identical looking grey walls that are sometimes floors. You could end up lost here forever...

Oh thank fuck, there's a map. THIS GAME HAS A MAP! There is actually a way to figure out where you're going, game redeemed! This is actually a pretty decent platformer to be honest.

Hey, I found a portal that led to a bonus level. You start off on a tiny planetoid, which you can run around. I jumped into the air and used the nearby exit portal's gravity to pull me around in a slingshot manoeuver, so I could reach orbit and grab the floating pick-ups.

Level one completed! This picture is my prize.

Level two looks the same as level one. Except with more fire.

I'm getting bored now and I can't be bothered waiting for these fire jets to stop. I've probably got enough health to just walk through.

Well, I got him killed. Yellow goop flies everywhere and his shades and cd player fall to the floor. The lid opens to finally reveal what Mo Hawk has been listening to all game...

He was listening to 'Game Over'?

Next game!

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