
Thursday 17 March 2011

Joe and Mac - Caveman Ninja (SNES)

Hmm, those graphics look a bit rubbish for a SNES game.

Hey, a world map! It's always nice to be able to choose your level.

Wow, deja-vu. Almost feels like I've seen this kind of level before somewhere...

Cool, you can stand on enemies. I could jump up and bash open that egg, but I choose not to. That would be exactly what the developers EXPECT me to do.

Wow the characters in this game move so slowly. When these guys start jumping it's like that scene from Matrix Reloaded, the fight inside the Merovingian's house, people diving through the air in slow motion.

Man, these games are trying to brainwash kids into never leaving the house. "Oh I wouldn't go down to the forest, kids... there's evil squirrels in every tree and bottomless pits EVERYWHERE. Best if you just stay at home and play video games"

Has there ever been a video game level set in a video game shop with bottomless pits in the shop floor and evil squirrels hiding on the shelves? Yeah, I thought not.

That's pretty nice art, it really stands out against the plain looking art used for the rest of the level. I'm curious about how the graphics compare to the arcade version.

Oh wow, the arcade version has much more stuff on screen. There's so much going on it, and it's so fast, that it almost plays like a different game.

Well I'm sure this dinosaur is just a cool looking part of the level and won't jump up later to be the level boss...


Oh shit! I really DID think that! Level one has a boss? Oh noes!

Haha, taste my bones, dinosaur! Yeah I upgraded my club earlier with a bone power up I found in an egg. Now it fires infinite rapid fire bones. Deal with it.

Crap, he's spitting partially digested cavemen at me. Time to switch up to Attack plan B: Hit him with rapid fire bones fired from my club.

Kill dinos, kiss cavegirls.

Then I got stuck on the world map for a bit and accidentally replayed that level again. I kept the bone upgrade though, so this time I walked away with club level 3: boomerang power.

Hey it's a waterfall! Wait, what is this shit? What am I doing over here at the edge where I can't see anything? I was in the middle of the screen on the last level, what's the big idea?

Oh well, whatever. The game was alright, but I never did get to use any ninjutsu.

1 comment:

  1. This game is awesome! you dare call the graphics rubbish, you must die in Koridai!
