
Thursday 3 February 2011

Journey to Silius (NES) - Guest Post

Guest post by GreatOldOne.

Pretty neat effect where the letters come in one by one all dramatic-like. I can't remember how common that is for NES games but I'll pretend that it isn't.

Shit, this game doesn't fuck around! Right after you press start, it doesn't even give you a menu or anything, it just shows a city getting nuked.

Noooooooo! Not Jay's father!

So, Jay finds a floppy disk belonging to his father with blueprints of gundam-style space colonies for some reason, and a warning about the SINGULAR DIABOLICAL TERRORIST threatening colony development within the Earthsphere!

Jay looks so emo here. So, time to hop in my space plane and fight terrorism!

Oh wait, it's a platformer shooter. Okay.

Upon seeing the first enemy in the game, I desperately try to take a screenshot of it while trying to kill it at the same time, allowing it to hop right into my face and take damage. I'm not used to this!

Woo! A powerup! However, I have no idea what it does. I imagine it fills up the G bar under my health, but I have no idea what that is or how to use it.

You can pretty much just mash the fire button while running right and kill these robots no problem. Bored.

And here I died like an idiot. That thing floating in the air fires three shots in a spread shot, and I made the stupid choice of jumping the gap before killing it. Also, that missile launcher is kind of annoying at certain angles, but it's not too hard to deal with.

And these little things on the ground are LAND MINES. Standing on them hurts you. You kind of have to jump and shoot out the one on the higher ledge, which has to be pretty exact for some reason cause it's so small, and your bullets don't pass through walls.

Me dying at the miniboss. This pink cannon fires these weird bits of plasma that home in on you and are surprisingly hard to dodge, especially because of the crappy jump where you can't realign yourself in mid-air, so you're basically committed to your jumps every time.

The boss! For some reason, after killing the miniboss he drops an M powerup which teleports you here. This guy drops these little red things that hop directly at you and basically raped me to death, since I lost so much health on the miniboss before.

Next game, I guess.


  1. Glad this game wasn't given any chance and was subject to the same impatient treatment that is NOT appropriate for side-scrolling, platforming shooters. Otherwise, the player would have learned how to get good at the game and come to appreciate its challenge and unconventionally realistic player movement. Also fantastic that the very high-quality soundtrack was 100% ignored.

    1. There's truth in your sarcasm, but in GreatOldOne's defence he was trying to mimic how I wrote my articles, and the site was 5 days old at the time so I had no idea what I was doing.
