
Wednesday 2 February 2011

Daze Before Christmas (Genesis/Mega Drive)

A Christmas game! I haven't seen many of these around.

 Level 1 - Santa destroys your furniture.

Whoa, Santa's got magic. Either that or he just took a piss on that enemy. Also, this seems to be a pretty well made game (again). Nice animation blah blah etc.

Bonus points for being able to throw Santa down the stairs.

Wait, WHAT? You can turn into Demon Santa? And kill bosses? (There are enemies in this game, I don't know how I've managed to take so many screenshots without them on screen).

Yay, level one complete. (See, sometimes I finish level 1).

Next level! Santa's got hadoukens now?

Next level! Sorry, that level was so short I didn't even get a screenshot off. It looked like snow, if I recall.

Hey, I found a reindeer, in a cave! Maybe I was supposed to be finding and rescuing these all along? Who knows.

Blasted Penguins! I thought these guys were supposed to be on Santa's side! Or maybe that was just in James Pond II: Codename Robocod?

Either way, Christmas is cancelled. Permanently. Sorry guys. Blame the penguins.

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