
Friday 25 February 2011

Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions (SNES)

Daffy Duck? Shouldn't that be Duck Dogers?

I can buy a lot of useful gear with the money I get from the corpses of my enemies. Of course I don't know what anything does yet, so I guess I buy one of everything?

See, that's totally Duck Dogers, he's even saying his line. The game is actually pretty slick, the graphics aren't amazing but the animation is good.

We have a jet pack, but it has limited fuel and makes it easy to overshoot platforms, so it's best to use it sparingly. Extra fuel can be found around the level though, which is nice. We also have a shield, but I instantly forgot I had it and never used it again.

Our gun has a lot of recoil, blasting us up and backwards with each shot. So we can be caught out when trying to duck under enemy fire.

Oh no, a boss fight! These guys are a pain in the neck because they attack from both directions, making it essential that we focus on getting rid of one of them early. That guy in the top hat sitting down is possibly some world leader we have to rescue.

The freeze ray freezes enemies. Also jumping into enemies hurts. Also these guys may look like that boss we just fought, but there's a crucial difference: they pay out less money when they die. Also they have no hat.

Also these bastards can shoot from off screen.

Another boss fight against these guys. I quickly duck and dodge their fire, because I'm awesome. Then I start firing and get hit by the next shot because I forgot about the recoil. And that I have a shield.

Duck Dogers really hates it when the platform he's standing on starts to move off without him. Apparently this counts as still standing on the edge of the rock. It wouldn't be too bad if we'd fallen in the lava though, it only takes off a piece of our heath bar.

This boss fight is a pain in the ass. Marvin fires off lasers and attacks you with the drill arm. It would probably have been smart to try using the shield at this point, but whatever. GAME OVER.

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